James' Discography!

...I went to the Disco part hoping to find Everything that you've participated in, but it was only the Metal stuff.

Do you plan on putting down Everything you've done?
'Cuz I know you've done some stuff with the Victor Wooten/Terry Bozzio/someone else(?) project...Produced it or something.
& You Mixed & Engineered some stuff on the Requiem for a Dream soundtrack... so back to the question...
What's EVERYTHING you've Played for, Produced, Mixed, or Ate a Steak Too???

As was said, you're missing the Solstice CD, plus he was on two Artension albums, Phoenix Rising and one other one. He also was on the Working Man compilation, a Rush tribute thing. That's all I can think of at the moment.

There are definitely going to be quite a few more additions to the discography. I've been compiling the graphics for msanthrope so that she can get the whole thing together and get it up on the site. It's quite long though and will take a while to look at once it's done. Thanks...
We certainly appreciate all your hard work, msanthrope! I just wanted to mention the albums I noticed weren't on there to help out.