Job Network


Coming soon...
Aug 20, 2001
Redcliffe, Queensland
If you don't know by now, working in the music industry (unless you're a desk-jockey or wholesaler/retailer) only attracts commissions. This is still NOT recognised by Centrelink or the Job Network agencies.

I'm going to spill my guts here -- something incredibly bizarre happened to me this morning.

Primarily, I work daily in 2 small businesses (Dungeon's partnership Netherlife Entertainment, and a Secretarial seat on the board of a small record company). Other things are freelance, like websites, graphic design, session work, etc. Thing is, the 2 small businesses don't earn me a regular salary. I also teach web design at TAFE.

Would you think IPC Employment in Blacktown would take all this into account?

I was told at my Job Search Training induction today that there was absolutely nothing IPC could help me out with concerning work in the music industry. I would have to self-direct myself.

I do that now, so why the hell am I here at this job network agent?

Although, they stated that they could help me out with cover letters, resumes, newspapers and cold canvassing.

But what made this bizarre was that I was asked to treat my music career as a hobby, and to look for a real job. Basically they'll pass on all my music credentials and just use my past banking experience. I was told straight out to forget about administration and performance in music.

Is this what the Liberal Party wants for the Australian workforce? Do we have to sacrifice our dreams and aspirations purely to satisfy Liberal Party electorates and donators who don't like to see unemployed receive benefits? Is this what the Job Network system is all about?

The goddamn trainer at IPC Employment Blacktown is hampering Dungeon's business, my record company's business, and my freelance work as well (I have a website & design project to complete), all because she wants to earn her company $3,500.00 from the government for providing me with 15 days of job search training. So, for all you non-salary receiving people out there, DO NOT choose IPC Employment Blacktown to represent you as your Job Network agent; they're only interested in a kickback.

I can see that this Job Search Training is not about training at all... it's about keeping an eye on the unemployed to make sure they're doing what they should be doing.

What the fuck is happening to this country?
When you are rich and famous, please make sure you go back and REALLY rub it in IPCs face :D

They dont sound very helpful, but im guessing everyone across the board would be having the same problem with the way they are doing things now?
They are indeed cucking funts of the highest order. At least fuckhead Reith is gone. But unfortunately fucked Smirker Costello is still there, along with too many others.... :(

Good luck Stevo!