Kerrang! Legends METALLICA Issue!


Not blessed, or merciful
Apr 11, 2001
Sarf Lundin, Innit
Fucking awesome! Basically the same as they did for Maiden, with new interviews, great photos from the last 20 years, and plenty more. Pity it cost £5 (about $12!!), but considering I spend £1.90 on weekly Kerrang and finish it in about 30 mins, and this issue I've spent an hour on so far and barely touched, methinks I'm getting my money's worth! :headbang:

And I have most of St Anger on minidisc at work today, too :D
Ok, so I've finally bought St Anger.
$20 at Target this week. In my opinion, I bought a Metallica DVD and got a free demo album.

My thoughts;
The album sounds as bad as everyone has says. Demo/bootleg quality at best. James vocals are pretty average in places too. I'd be surprised if they bothered recording them more than once.
All that being said however, the songs ain't bad. :)
The 'tic tic tic' crap in Frantic is silly, but I'll get over it.
St Anger flows better than the film clip version.

I'm pretty happy.
"There was really no time to get amazing performances out of [METALLICA frontman] James [Hetfield]," Rock said. "We liked the raw performances. And we didn't do what everyone does and what I've been guilty of for a long time, which is tuning vocals. We just did it, boom, and that was it."

So Hetfields vocals are usually artificially tuned?
hmmmm, I think they were just pushed a lot more with this record to try and get the nicest sounding 'crack' vocals ;)
30 people recommended ...Baby One More Time [ENHANCED CD] instead of St. Anger (with Bonus DVD) [EXPLICIT LYRICS]

that is hillarious