Kung fu movies thread

Why start a kung fu movies thread when everyone knows that Enter the Dragon is, and always will be, the only Kung fu movie anybody ever needs to see?

I might watch that now, actually...
Well yeah, but it's generally thrown into the same film catagory. I never once said that Bruce Lee was a disciple of Kung Fu - he wasn't - but if it's not considered a 'kung fu' film then what the satanic blue fuck is it? Besides awesome, of course.
Typically the kung fu films are from China. There is a line of kung fu films labeled "Shaw Brothers" with a blue and gold coloring on the SB label. These Shaw movies represent a golden time in China where the kung fu movies were being made in the 70's and 80's. Now, Japan is where most of all the samurai and ninja films are from. There is tons of kung fu movies and samuria flicks, but the martial arts movie genre does surpass that therefor I'm turning this into a Martial arts movie thread. If you're interested in kung fu movies I recommend for a good started "The 36th chamber of Shaolin" as a good introduction film for kung fu movies. You can find most of these films on Amazon.com and other dvd retailers. Here is the trailer for the film..



Best derail EVER

I'm surprised it wasn't derailed already :lol: