KVLT White Gold on Tape! "Woods 1: Against the Seasons" released on limited cassette!

David Gold

Son of the Darkest Blues
Feb 20, 2004
No hometown, Ontario.




See photos here (+ you do not have to have Facebook to view these photos):


I've waited a long time to do this...(please note my t-shirt in the photos...)

"To celebrate the 6th anniversary of the critically acclaimed and much loved first WOODS OF YPRES recording, "Against the Seasons: Cold Winter Songs from the Dead Summer Heat" (commonly referred to as "Woods 1"), I have released a very limited edition on cassette (only 50 copies!!!). Recorded in Windsor in 2002, "Against the Seasons" was recently named the #42 on the 100 best albums of all time to come out of Windsor Ontario, as voted by the people in WAMM (Windsor Area Music Magazine).

WOODS 1 - "Against the Seasons: Cold Winter Songs from the Dead Summer Heat"

Song List (no 'tracks' here):

Side One:
1. Shams of Optimism
2. Crossing the 45th Parallel
3. The Sea of Immeasurable Loss

Side Doom:
4. A Meeting Place and Time
5. Awaiting the Inevitable

This is a one time only pressing on white cassettes (IMMORTAL - 'Battles in the North' style!). They are hand numbered and autographed. Ebay buyers and sellers please take notice!" :heh:

For a copy, send $15 (shipping included) via paypal to:



$15 Check/money order/well hidden cash to:

David Gold
44 Poplar Ave
Sault Ste. Marie
Ontario, Canada
P6B 2W7

About Currency: If you are sending within Canada, please send CAD funds. If in the USA, please send USD. If elsewhere, you choose. If in Europe, 10 Euros is also accepted.

Thanks! + See you in the mail!

DG - \w/ :kickass:

btw...I've been cranking this thing in the car for a couple weeks...something about bass heavy, blasting black metal on cassette fucking rocks!!! Excellent driving music! :kickass:
Oh my God, thats so awesome! I think I'm gonna send you 35 bucks like, tomorrow, if I can, for Woods I casette and Woods II CD, so I can line em up on my shelf with Woods III. As a Woods fan, I NEED this! Actually I may include money for a toque too. I'll let you know when its sent out.

PS: DG, the beard is looking fuckin awesome!
I already have one of these! Woo! Except mine has no autograph, number or sleeve for the cassette. I'll have to pick up a sleeve at the Gates of Winter show next Saturday.

BTW, Mr. Gold is 100% correct: These songs sound even more dirty and heavy and disgustingly black metal on tape! .... Still being the same melodic black/doom of course.
Hey DG, I work right beside a Shoppers Drug Mart, so I'm going to send out my order tomorrow morning through there, for a toque, Woods II CD, and Woods I cassette. See you in the mail brotha! :kickass:
Hey David

If its limited to 50 copies, how come its numbered 300 on the insert?

Good question! So here's the story...

About a year ago, the main dude from a kind of famous metal band from Romania (how many can you name?) offered to release "Woods 1" on cassette in Europe on his cassette label, 'Night Bird Records'. The deal, as we understood it, was he would print 300 tapes total, and send us 75 of them for us to sell, distribute, give away, etc... A few months later, I get a little envelope in the mail with 50 some tape covers, only, no tapes. Meanwhile, I see his tapes show up on a number of distros lists, but I never actually saw what they look like. The covers of ours went into a box...wtf was I about to do with 50 tape covers but no tapes??? Why would I agree to that?

A year and a half later, and back in Canada, I get Troy @ Storm Musician Services in B.C., Canada to print me up some white tapes to go along with my tape covers to finally make use of these things. Timing was cool here, to coincide with the 6 year anniversary of the album (first released in September 2002). The tapes that I have are numbered 1-50 on both the cover and the cassette label itself, + autographed and packed up myself.

A vinyl release is next! :kickass:
I just got mine in today, as well as my toque, Woods II, and a shitton of Ontario Town stickers :p Cheers bro! :kickass: