Let's bitch


Feb 9, 2009
Tatooine (aka Milton Keynes)
I'll start it off: Why does everyone feel the urge to put tons of mediocre videos about shit no one cares about on youtube? So annoying when you're looking for a good review on xyz product or a decent tutorial about xyz technique and you get swamped with bullshit, it's not even funny anymore.
I honestly stopped watching youtube because of this. The only two channels I'm still subscribed to is Ola Englund and Keith Merrow.
(p.s.: the above translates to "why is everybody else successful on youtube but me lol)

Now let's have a good ol' bitch-fest!
There's a ton of useful stuff on YouTube if you know how to dig the shit out of it. A lot of people don't do it right... no content, no preparation, no quality, or they upload 15 vids per week. Look, I'll sub even if you put out a single video per year if your stuff is good.

My biggest issue is with the 'main' YouTube page... I hate cats, Minecraft, bling bling rap / Kardachiants and the US soap politics. And useless vlogs... I don't care about your divorce, he probably got away because you spit your personal life in a fuckin webcam.
And useless vlogs... I don't care about your divorce, he probably got away because you spit your personal life in a fuckin webcam.
Coulnd't agree more dude. Nore do I care about your stupid cats, kids whatever...
My boy started watching youtube lately and is totally addicted to toy videos, it's even worse with toy videos. Every fucking mum feels the need to upload shit about little Jhonny playing with shit. And some of these videos are getting tens of millions of views, ridiculous.
One mans garbage is another mans yada yada and all that.

I find plenty off good stuff on youtube. Just about on any subject I can think of actually. From building computers to the latest in science. Deep sea exploration to in depth tutorials on subjects that matter to me. Even awesome documentaries and free movies all the way back to the 1930's. Shit, there's even playboy vids on there. Yes, full nudity. If you want to learn how to properly shave a pussy it's on there too. :D

oh, and music, how can I forget? I find stuff that's hard to find anywhere else on youtube. I love YT.
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You guys are crazy, cat videos rule :p
Yes, I love cats really if it wasn't for the fact that they always shit all over my garden. I swear if a person has more than 3 cats they're not normal. My neighbour has 4.

If you want to learn how to properly shave a pussy it's on there too. :D
Haha dude, you had me spitting coffee on my monitor at work :D
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Who hates ios 10? Hate the thing with a passion, I seriously lost interest in that thing.
I love how it kept pestering me for days to do the update and I know I shouldn't have but I gave in because I got annoyed with those messages.
That annoying new home screen omg. It's like they're working hard towards making your life harder then it should be.
The update of course re-set all my settings as well, I'm fed up. I'm going back to good ol brick sized dumb phone that has literally got one function: to make a call.
These are probably signs of me getting old lol, I sound like my own grampa
Unboxing my new guitar videos. Who the fuck cares and want to see that? And if someone reviewing a guitar I want to hear riffs too not wankers trying to show off how fast and technical leads they can play.
This year..
This fucking year..
It's been one of the worst years in my life personally..
It's not over yet, but this week I might be able to turn it all around for the better.. or it gets even worse.. :D
Oh (and this is going to make me sound like a cunt) and the other thing I fucking hate about Christmas.

My in laws are God damn weird about money. Here is my story from last year:

I'm married to an identical twin and they have an older brother. Their significant others (my brother and sister in law) treat my in laws like dog shit. Like their presence fucking annoys them. My in laws don't feel welcome at their houses. I don't feel this way at all and I like my father and mother in law a lot, I lucked out big time IMO. I would also be fucking horrified if they ever felt unwelcome in my home.

Anyhoo last year at Christmas apparently there was a budget... unknown to any of us. So me being used to a couple shirts (I don't mind) I toss together a list on amazon of shit $50 or less, mostly less. My wife I guess did the same.

Xmas day comes my brother and sister in law both get single gifts at $150. I have no problem with this.

Wife and I open shit and they purchased the most inexpensive thing on my list and a pillow. I didn't ask for the pillow but it was a nice pillow so I wasn't displeased with it until I actually started using it. lol

Anyhow that's just how they are though, they are constantly fucking weird with money to the point where I told my wife not to ever ask them for it unless we are in a ridiculous emergency and have no other choice. I would rather run my savings to zero than ask them for money.

And here is the thing, I know I don't deserve their money and I'm grateful when they give it but I wish they didn't make it so fucking weird. I honestly would prefer nothing.
Oh and another thing that kind of pisses me off a little although not enough to totally rage or anything. Lets call it mildly infuriating.

So lady at work who has helped out a shit load. Also I became aware of some major personal shit she is having to deal with concerning her shit head daughter and granddaughter (this lady is in her 40s). I over hear that she needs money and she is asking her father in law for $60. I say "$60 no problem I can get that for you."

She says "are you sure?"

I say yeah no problem.

So I go pull out $80, hand it to her and say "I know you are going to argue with me but please just accept this money as thanks for all the help you have done for me (she has worked holidays for me in the past)."

She says "absolutely not."

I toss out one objection, she re-objects and I fucking drop it because at this point it becomes awkward.

I end it with "well at least take your time paying it back, really it's not big deal." (she was going to pay it back 3 days later, glad she didn't because she broke her rear window a week later due to some bad luck)

Look, I get it. Needing cash sucks and feeling like a charity case sucks even more, but for fuck sake just take the damn gift. I didn't give it to you to buy your thanks, I gave it to you to thank you. I have no debt outside of my house and the only things that make me cringe anymore is a major event pertaining to my house like a fire or a health issue.

So yeah my gripe is how fucking awkward this example is for me personally. I am not good at awkward.
Fuck this year.. And 2015 too..
But seriously.. Fuck.. This.. Year..