Let's see those guitars!


Apr 4, 2008
Well with many on this forum being guitar players, myself included, I thought it'd be cool to have a thread with some pics of our guitars. Share your axes folks! Here are my 2 custom babies:








I have two black with pickups and necks. I have two natural wood with pickups and necks. I have one black with pickups and two necks. I have one archtop in vintage burst with a pickup and neck. I have no digital camera.... lol

Few photos over the years and none of them are scaned and all of them are in photo albums Im still unsure I want to disturb, their the sticky wax kind. Just basic production guitars that are nothing special. Im still most partial to my first guitar which is long gone and cost all of $35
Awesome guitars so far!:kickass:

RG7420 with a paint job attempted by me and a friend on a very boring summer day. Notice the thumb prints.

Paul Gilbert, Alvarez and Ibanez 320 DX tuned to B

A close up of the 320
Mods sorry for not posting links in the first place, I just never posted a whole buncha pics at once on a forum so I didnt know about any rules that were in place. Thanks for fixing it up for me :).

Cool Ibys savage. Can't go wrong with the neon green!
@ inhe

Nice RG !! I like the pickguard.. and the Jem is awesome as well !

@ greenaxer

A Samick ! Man, my first electric guitar was a Samick.. it sucked really bad and I didn't like it at all lol. But hey, we all gotta start somewhere!
:erk: *gives J-Dub an internet hug and an internet jam on the Horus*

Thanks man, post-partem Caparison depression has been a part of me since I sent it out. Unless I come accross a minty RG with a maple fretboard, I fully intend to make a Caparison my next purchase, whenever THAT is going to be....:erk: