Lost Soul - Chaostream


Forest: Sold Out
Jul 5, 2003
Lost Soul – Chaostream
Wicked World – January 24th, 2005
By Jason Jordan


Minute details can definitely work in favor of the band that uses said peculiarities. For instance, as is the case with Chaostream, the fact that the actual CD resembles a vinyl LP – all black with ridges on the front side – is enough to put me in a good mood even before I pop the album in. Similarly, Lost Soul’s brand of blistering death metal, though formulaic, contains enough quality to be considered good but expendable.

Along the same line of reasoning, I didn’t think the group would waste any time presenting their iteration of death metal, and “Word of Sin” proves the former statement rather quickly. Everything is very fast; the musicians are all overtly talented and, at times, remind me of Zyklon, Decapitated, Behemoth or any death metal troupe in the same vein stylistically. “Godstate” has a galloping feel to its entrance, but is content to venture into a place that’s already been explored. However, I do like the subtle changes in “Death Crowns All” such as the speed of the double-bass juxtaposed with the dragging rhythm of the hi-hat. The riffs should be relatively well received, but they aren’t anything to write home about (to use a cliché). Of course, requisite guitar leads traipse about a bit later. “Shameful Race,” “The Hidden Law,” and “Mortal Cage” do not veer from a speed-infused death metal sound. The cheekily titled “Christian Meat” is absurdly slow for Lost Soul, though nothing specifically detracts from the opus’s worth. “Angel’s Cry” and “The Birth of BABALON” endorse the trend, which is quite up-front on Chaostream. To reiterate, it’s not as if there’s bad material here. It’s just not up to speed (heh) with the virtuosos in the genre.

I’ll recommend Chaostream for those of you that fancy an album that’s basically been released before. Others’ interests would best be invested elsewhere. Furthermore, acknowledging Lost Soul’s superb labelmates – such as The Chasm and Anata – only conjures further discouragement.


Official Lost Soul website
Official Wicked World website
Almost every Polish death metal band is good and these guys are among the best. Decapitated seems to get a lot of the publicity, but I preferred this to the last Decapitated album. Superbly produced, every note in place...completely raging! Yes, it is none too original, but a very fine example of technical death metal.