Lycanthia - FREE gig!

Ended up staying after all as I was too fucking tired to go out to Emu Plains :lol:

Being my first time seeing Anno Domini I was both impressed and not. The music was pretty good and they handled the early fuck-ups with the PA well. The clean vocals tended to kill it for me but as long as I looked past that the set was pretty enjoyable over all. Darker Half were killer as always and Lycanthia were actually a lot more enjoyable than I remembered - especially James taking the drum solo cue and running with it a lot further than he was obviously supposed to :lol:.

Good night, good bands, good company and, considering the competition playing that night, pretty good turn-out. Just a shame about the Broncos/Bulldogs result :(
Awesome gig, fun was had by all expecially Shane by the end of the night he didn't even talk he just tackled people and hugged Dave