Maudlin of the Well


Hello, my name is Sean.
Jul 10, 2007
Chicago, IL
Just in case some have missed the news (or Sean's thread awhile ago), here are some blog entries from their Myspace:

It began with this [June 26th '08]:

Anyway I've spent a good few pages retrospecting maudlin of the Well, which has made a few older and unrecorded songs flood back into my mind... amazingly, the memory of them is very fresh and I'm still able to hear those complete songs in my head.

A lot of the time in motW, some compositional and programming decisions were made based on the music's audience; thus the music that was never heard is like the least rock stuff of all (but it's all from 1998-2000, so is not as pushing of the envelope as our music of today). For example, there's an expanded and further developed version of The Blue Ghost/Shedding Qliphoth with vocals, strings, piano, etc... all the stuff I'm talking about is kind of in that vein.

So I have this serious bug in my ear right now about it; Terran is around again and if we had the resources I think we'd both be eager to put a record together. Actually I already asked Dark Symphonies but they can't do it. But I'm not really interested in label-shopping otherwise because I'm not sure what motW's relevance is to any label. There also doesn't really seem to be a need to release motW commercially since the band is done as an entity, so even a free internet release would be cool; I wonder if we could somehow have a community-funded motW record - funded by donations from fans and then released for free online. Or released for free on CD or vinyl complete with artwork if there was enough fundage."

Then this [June 26th '08]:

Hello everyone - this is Toby posting!

I was completely overwhelmed and moved by the response to my posting about unreleased motW... thank you to everyone.. wow! I went and asked the other motW guys if they'd be interested in participating in this too and the response was very positive.. so we're going to try this donation thing out and see if it can work! If the money comes in soon, i would ideally like to record in winter '08-'09.

This [July 27th '08]:

"An extremely generous fan Etienne Dube just donated enough for motW to be able to do a full length album.. unbelievable and amazing news! Everyone else can keep donating if you wish, as further donations will help us hire orchestral musicians (cello, etc), and actually press copies instead of having this be an internet release. The recording will start Feb 10.. congratulations to Etienne and to everyone!"

Finally [January 27th '09]:

maudlin of the Well will begin recording their new album in two weeks. If there is anyone who would still like to donate and receive contributors' credit, please do so now! Thank you!

They just posted a few studio photos on the Myspace, so it looks like it's actually happening. We'll probably get some sort of preview or something or other after not-to-long. Can't wait.
Here? I searched. I even went through the thread with the same name and found nothing.... Am I missing something?

Even if I am... it's been since June of last year that this was even thought to be a possibility. So look at it as a reminder. :err:

Edit: ::sigh:: I even posted in it. Carry on.