Megadeth - United Abominations

I thought the same thing, except the growing part. Our bassist likes it I guess. but he worships Mustaine so his critique is naturally going to be biased.
I've only heard it once...didn't really like it. The solos are pretty fuckin awesome though. I'll give it another few spins, see if it grows. Lately I've just been all about the new Type O.
Hell Yeah! The new Type O is still godly...New Megadeth is pretty decent so far, could be the best thing in the past few years from them, but not Rust In Peace 2 by any stretch...
Type O for me has always been a more song by song band. I don't like any of their albums the entire way through. :erk:

But this new Megadeth has some great moments.

A Poop Le Monde is not one of them. Who has seen that chessy ass video with Dave prancing around and doing those awful hand gestures?? :ill:

Jesus Christ..
