Meshuggah Thursday!

reviews/comments about the show, anyone? :)

this saturday i'm going to see an almost unknown (to me, at least) gothic band with a couple of friends just because after the show there'll be a dark-gothic-electro-wave-industrial-synth party :D
Holy Shit!
What a gig! These guys can really play!

okay. enough of that. i have this huge hangover right now and will not write anything profound. but i must say that they really made it look easy. the lighting was awesome. i first thought that the lights were triggered to the instruments or something like that but marko's gf (she's a lighting something student something) said that the lighting guy was tapping like crazy to a control table. he really was like one of the band. crazy motherfucker. sounds were absolutely great (they played loud but not too loud like in flames (that sucked)) one minor thing which wasn't a big deal but still... the fucking smoke! couldn't see much except really close to the stage. i would've wanted to see what they were playing but the smoke kinda was a good effect to the music... all and all ...should i say great gig.

...yes i should. great gig.
Damn it was grrrrrr-eat... I enjoyed it. Damn... the talent... And as ns above mentioned the light show was awesome too, and I think the fog was there on purpose. The ensemble of these guys... Damn.

Only downside on this little "trip" was the 150km drive back home... One fell asleep in the rear seat of my car as we left Helsinki and the other 15km before Valkeakoski... And as I was dead tired too, it wasn't too fun driving...
DotNoir said:
Damn it was grrrrrr-eat... I enjoyed it. Damn... the talent... And as ns above mentioned the light show was awesome too, and I think the fog was there on purpose. The ensemble of these guys... Damn.

Only downside on this little "trip" was the 150km drive back home... One fell asleep in the rear seat of my car as we left Helsinki and the other 15km before Valkeakoski... And as I was dead tired too, it wasn't too fun driving...

Voi vittu, I could never imagine driving that long after a gig. Did you have to be sober and be the "designated driver"? :zzz: Was Darkane the warm-up band? If so, I'm going to be pissed off at myself tonight...:Shedevil: