Music that creates images.

I love musical imagery, and if Opeth is definitely a band that can put images in your head. I just love the images I get from still life, but I think a lot of that has to do with the fact that it is a concept album.
D Mullholand said:
As a contrast, Still Life is more complex, and equally emotional, but the melodies are so involved that the visual part is arguably less prominent. There is little time for the mood to settle down, still the constant mood-shifts fit the story perfectly.

I disagree. White Cluster is probably the most "vivid" song ever made and it illicits so much imagery through both the mood and the lyrics of the song. There's so much symbolism and so many pictures painted in that one.
Oh yeah, and I have to agree about Blackwater Park. It presents the most imagery and is just the pure essence of Winter. Listening to it on a cold and snowy night is a different experience altogether and is truly breathtaking. Hearing the leads of The Drapery Falls echo through the night is indescribable, it's too cool.
@D Mullholand- It is always a pleasure to read something so thought provoking, keep it up.

To eveything you said, I do not know if any one mentioned this, but I think what you are describing is the emotional impact music has on the mind, what makes a certain musical peice somber or uplifting, well, it comes down to a couple things. First is chords-minor chords are seen as sad and/or dark, we don't know why something in our brains just interprets these as having to do with sadness, likewisw major chords are seen as more uplifting and happy, again there is no explanation for this, it miight be the views thrust upon us by our parents, it could actually be instinctual. Second is societies perception of said compostions, society really has a big part in the perception of a piece of music at least classically. And third is the artists intent, I do not know about anyone else but when I write a peice of music it is totally about me and the things I need to get off my chest emotionally, I think this is how most artists go about it.

Now there are acouple things music can be at any point during listening- it can be an escape from reality or it can ultimately ground you in the now, this depends on lyrical content and the atmosphere, again I think this is based on the intent of the artist, maybe without having the intention to, or subconciously, this is what the artist intends for his music to do, to either take you out and beyond or make you think about reality and his point of view. This and any type of art is ultimately based on emotion and creaing those emotions so other people can understand them, yes there are bands out there that just show off, I rarely listen to these bands though.

A song that makes me see those images, Hope Leaves, I can relate lyrically and the emotion of the song is loud and fuckin clear.
[edit]-wow that is an old post, I doubt he is keeping it up.
YaYo said:
i think the most important things to create mental images are complexity and how layered it is.

like i find the later opeth albums produce more mental imagery simply because there are so many different things to listen to at any one point and this allows a detailed picture to be drawn... with enough subtle changes to always change focus within the image and to progress/change the image
Hmm, for me it's the opposite. I find a lot more mental imagery and atmosphere on Orchid and Morningrise, and even MAYH, (the lyrics help a lot) than say Deliverance and BwP. I guess it's just because they seem more atmospheric, long, and winding, and the later albums are a bit more straightforward with just awesome riffs. The music is still excellent, but I don';t have as much imagery. Actually, Opeth doesn't do it for me with imagery as much as really creative, weird, outrageous bands. Mostly Ulver,and more abstract and soft stuff like White Willow, Bjork, Mum, Godspeed You Black Emperor, etc.

Hmm I think when I get home i'm gonna post some of my "visualizations" that I wrote in my reviews, I picture some pretty bizzare stuff sometimes, the more different the band is, the better.

Demonspell: Those things should plug into your brain and display what you are actually thinking :)