My Argosy Arrived

As I said...I ask clients before even going near the weed box.


I wasn't trying to be a dick, just trying to make the point that a lot of people might not be as comfortable about tokin' in their studios as you or the next guy might be. And ya never know, it could affect an engineer or producer in a negative way without they, themselves, realizing it.

Whatever, if your clients don't care cool. If you can get work done with it, cool.


Aw yeah, certain cats make me MISERABLE! I didn't have many friends with cats growing up, so I didn't realize I was allergic until I was 20-21.

back OT, nice Argosy desk joey... here's the one i plan/hope to be installling in my mix room this year

wow. not every SXE band hates drug users. i smoke around sxe bands all the time, and drink around em. they don't care. they won't fight you. unless you do something fucking stupid
wow. not every SXE band hates drug users. i smoke around sxe bands all the time, and drink around em. they don't care. they won't fight you. unless you do something fucking stupid

i think it just depends where you're from

when i was in CA, there were plenty of straightedge kids around, but they were pretty cool about letting other people do what they want with their lives/bodies

here in the midwest tho, and it seems like in most other places with more "traditional" values/mindsets, the hardcore kids get militant as fuck

example: SLC, utah
dude in oklahoma its nothing but sxe kids. and a true edge kid won't give a fuck if you do anything straight edge is all about personal choices. and letting nothing control your thought. so by them beating the hell out of a druggie then they are no longer allowing that person to have free will. for now he's influenced by the ass whooping. and they only fight druggies durring shows really. haha and dude murphy. how much would a desk like that run you. jesus christ o.o


Hopefully you're joking. How do you figure that?

Weed produces more "resin" than cigarettes do. Didn't you pay attention in school when they taught that weed smoke has 20X as much tar in one joint than one cigarette?

Smoke is smoke. Smoke is bad for gear. Doesn't matter if it's a cigarette, weed or a bon-fire.

Shit, my computer screen probably just got a 1/1000th of an inch of weed resin during this post alone. :Smokin:
Used to smoke in my old studio, but moved it oustide 5 years ago when I built studio #2. It was just plain too nice to smoke in....

Now, I've quit completely & can't believe the amount of money I'm saving!

As for the desk, yeah, it's sweet. Joey, have some mercy on your clients & smoke outside! Besides, it gives you an excuse to get the hell away from them once an hour or so! :)
I admire your ability to do shit high 006. I can't do fuck stoned. I sit there and look at the screen for 5 mins wondering why shit hasn't happened when in reality it's because I haven't done anything :lol:.

I also get the munchies like a motherfucker, so I think if I toked I would be even more fat that I am now.
Smoking around electronics is a bad idea all around. Are you gonna hear the difference? Well no... not until your gear shits out on you years earlier than it would have if you keep things clean.

Smoke outside, or at the very least, smoke in a room that isn't worth 5 times as much as your car.

Also, that desk is killer haha