My haul thread haha!

TRrEiTxIxRiE DTrash

New Metal Member
Apr 14, 2001
Ok I thought I'd make one too haha! Here's some of the stuff I've got in the last month or so:

Harem Scarem - The Early Years (2003): Best album of 2003. 16 tracks and every single one is great... better than everything they've done since the awesome debut album (probably coz the songs were written and demoed before the debut). They've all been remixed and stuff and the production sounds better than the debut on some even! Also has 2 tracks left off "Weight Of The World" and they rock as well!

Shotgun Messiah - Shotgun Messiah (1989): Pretty cool glam... the album is too short though. Some songs rock, some are average, but the real standout is the lead guitarist who plays like a mix between Eddie Van Halen and Steve Vai, and the instrumental track "The Explorer" is AMAZING!

AC/DC - Back In Black (1980): Nothing really to say here. Had it on vinyl for years so I thought I finally needed a CD copy to listen to in more places than just my room. Classic.

AC/DC - Flick Of The Switch (1983): Same as above. Had it on vinyl for years and its been my favourite AC/DC album for a very long time, so like Back In Black I really needed it on CD as well!

KISS - Crazy Nights (1987): Surprisingly this is one of the only Kiss albums I didn't have (I've had it burnt for ages, but not an original) so I finally bought it for the collection! Needless to say its been one of my favourite Kiss albums for a long time, Spiff can tell you how good it is :) Awesome songwriting and production, very melodic album.


Whitesnake - Slide It In (1984): Nice middle ground between the Saints & Sinners sound and the 1987/Slip Of The Tongue sound. Better than the early stuff but not as good as the hair metal stuff. Their 3rd best album after Slip & 1987.

Night Ranger - Dawn Patrol (1982): Pretty good early '80s AOR. Sounds EXTREMELY dated though. The style is kinda reminiscent of 7800*F by Bon Jovi at times. Good catchy songs though and great guitar work, some of the keyboards are great but occasionally some sound a bit '70s prog which I don't like.

Hurricane - Over The Edge (1988): Great melodic hard rock album that reminds of bands like Winger and Silent Rage. Great guitars, songwriting and vocals with slick production and doesn't sound dated at all, fits in well with modern melodic hard rock bands also. The cover of Alice's "Eighteen" is a bit rank though.

Icon - Icon (1984): Great early-mid '80s anthemic arena style hair metal with big riffs and hooks in the vein of Keel, Kick Axe, Quiet Riot, Twisted Sister, Madam X, etc. Probably most similar to Kick Axe... and just as good. Some of the stuff (and their sound in my opinion) is also better than alot of Twisted Sister and Quiet Riot stuff but Keel are still the kings of that big-riff anthem style hair metal.


Just got a DVD player a couple of weeks ago! So I've got a few DVDs now, so far I have...

Detroit Rock City: Had to get this! The best rock & roll comedy ever made! As much as I love the Bill & Teds and Wayne's Worlds etc, this one takes the cake for me. The only film I've seen 4 times at the cinema! Lots of extras on it too which is cool! :)

Taxi Driver: My all time favourite film so I had to get this. And the DVD rocks! It has the original script you can read then jump to that scene from what page you're on, it has the original storyboards with comparisons to frames from the final cut, a 70 minute documentary on the film, everything! And of course its one of the greatest and most powerful films ever made, and DeNiro's performance in it is simply the best performance EVER in a film! I think the last 15 years or so its sad because he has kinda become more typecast and is always DeNiro but in the '70s he was a brilliant method actor and Taxi Driver is him at his best. Scorcese also has the best feel for New York (in After Hours as well especially!) and really make the streets of the city as much of a character in the film as any of the characters.

Revenge Of The Nerds: I love '80s teen comedies and this is the top of the heap. Awesome awesome film! No extras on the DVD but who cares, great film!

Halloween: The original American slasher flick. Probably the most suspenseful film ever made and every slasher flick afterwards owes everything to it. Every element that makes up the slasher film was pretty much put together for the first time in this. It was the film that got me into horror movies and still love it as much today as I did then. Also its weird seeing it in 2:35/1 widescreen as it doesn't look anywhere near as low budget as it is! It's beautifully shot. I can't believe it only cost less than $300,000 to make! Also there are lots of extras on the DVD!

The Eagle Has Landed: Got this really cheap coz it was my fave film when I was about 6 years old haha! Hadn't seen it in over 10 years and have felt like watching it for ages to try and remember it but couldn't find it on video. Very cool thriller set in World War II made in the 70s about a small group of German Paratroopers sent to a small English town disguised as Polish paratroopers to assassinate Churchill, but when one of them dies saving a little girl their identities are revealed and the plan goes wrong.

Motley Crue - Lewd Crued & Tattooed: Very cool concert DVD! Vince is the only let down because he sings pretty badly alot of the time and skips half the lyrics. Otherwise its great. Awesome setlist, awesome stageshow, spunky backup singers, and Samantha rocks on the drums! The thing that amazes me about the Crue as I thin I said in another post is that despite Vince & Nikki having stacked on the pounds and Mick looking half dead, they still come across as a new band coz of their attitude & hunger and how fresh their old songs still sound today. They are the only band that age who fit in more (and convincingly) as a new current band than as a "classic" band. They'll always be bad boys and never grow up and maybe that's why, there's no pretending with the Crue, they're all real!

Also mum bought a couple of good films on DVD like American History X which I love and Play Misty For Me which I also loooove, its like a '70s version Fatal Attraction with tons of suspence and a great atmosphere and really nicely shot.
Detroit Rock City! I love that movie! :headbang:

You need to get yourself some black metal Troops ;)
The Trooper said:
AC/DC - Back In Black (1980)
AC/DC - Flick Of The Switch (1983)
I bought these very two albums myself earlier in the year. ROCKIN' :headbang:
is R.O.T.N. on dvd? I asked Virgin in Townsville a few weeks back and they said its not on DVD, fucking bastards.
can you get it in a box set? I love 1 &2, not a big fan of the 3rd one though
the Virgin store in tville use to be an In2Music store, i assume Virgin bought them out..
Never heard of In2Music. The only music stores we have are Sanity, HMV, JB and Sounds. Maybe some others that I can't think of... hang on, there's Skinny's as well, and Rocking Horse, and Toombul Music... anything else, Bris-kids?
we don't have JB or HMV up here. I usually go to Pet Sounds or Psyclone Soundz in Tville and just have a look at Sanity. I usually buy stuff through the net though