Need To learn to scream


Enemy Of Satan
Nov 6, 2007
your local deli!
I am going into a thrash/metalcore band soon, and i have told the other guys in the band that i can scream and sing (im a good singer, not a screamer) and i can play decent guitar (i can do that at least).

Any tips on how to get a good scream?
I am going into a thrash/metalcore band soon, and i have told the other guys in the band that i can scream and sing (im a good singer, not a screamer) and i can play decent guitar (i can do that at least).

Any tips on how to get a good scream?

Scream. Not that hard. Loud as you can. If you need it explained to you, give it up. Metalcore screaming is even simpler than black metal vocals. JUST FUCKING SCREAM. Listen to the stuff you want to sound like and try to imitate it.
Uh, no, you don't want to "just scream," you'll fuck your voice and throat up that way. If you want good advice, go to the Bloodbath forum which is on here under the Katatonia forum. They have billions of threads on proper growling/screaming technique.
you need to keep part of your throat open and part of it closed, its hard to explain but if you keep practicing you can get it. start practicing getting the sound you want out of your voice at a low volume, then work your way to higher levels until you realize what your limit is, this way you shouldnt fuck up your throat.

dont try to hard, if you need to cough alot, stop and drink a glass of water and try practicing later
There should be a thread where people post what they want to learn how to do.

Anyway I'm not that good at explaining vocal stuff. I did shrieking and I'm not very good but at least I can do it without it hurting like it used to. I think you should focus on getting the sound you want, then focus on getting the same result in a different way so that it doesn't hurt. And don't drink cold water before you're gonna scream, warm water relaxes your vocal cords better.
^all of the above. Only, find a soundproof room. Practising screaming vocals is a good way to get the police called out to your apartment.

Happened to a friend of mine once.
There should be a thread where people post what they want to learn how to do.
Is it just me or is that the point of Musician's Discussion?

^all of the above. Only, find a soundproof room. Practising screaming vocals is a good way to get the police called out to your apartment.

Happened to a friend of mine once.

Remember that you should focus on sounding good at top volume, rather than low volume, because you'll actually be singing at top volume when you play.
Remember that you should focus on sounding good at top volume, rather than low volume, because you'll actually be singing at top volume when you play.

God you're giving the most retarded advice. You don't need to be screaming at the top of your lungs, that's not good for you. You have a microphone for a reason, do you not? Scream or growl at a normal speaking volume, that's all you need.
Screaming can ruin you're voice. I have had three different voice teachers and all of them have been against screaming.
Is it just me or is that the point of Musician's Discussion?

I said thread. I see the same stuff brought up over and over and over agian. I think if there was one thread people kept posting in then people could look in there and learn how to do stuff.
Screaming can ruin you're voice. I have had three different voice teachers and all of them have been against screaming.

Only if you do it the wrong way. You're teachers obviously didn't know anything about the proper technique.
Exactly. If screaming really ruined your voice then noone would do it. Doing it wrong does though, the only screamers who lost their voice either did it wrong or did it way too much.

Anyway the teachers said "can" not "will". They probably meant you should do it right or it will ruin your voice.
Screaming and growling has the potential to ruin your voice yes. If you do something and it hurts, you're setting yourself up for some serious problems. But even with good technique there is damage being done slower but surely. It may only be a bit but I'm pretty sure in about 25 years I'm going to be paying for my vocal style at least a little, and I have proper technique
Ok now i have stopped trying to scream at the top of my lungs coz it hurts like crap. And a microphone is now being used! yay.

but if its gonna take 30 years for my voice to die for screaming, who cares? just as long as i got proper technique, it probly won't happen.

thanks for the tips and help.
Don't listen to people who say not to scream from your throat. Trying to scream from your gut is probably more dangerous. I scream with my throat and over time, it hurts less and less as you gain control, but it's always going to hurt when you scream.... that's the point. Always keep some water to stop your throat from going completely dry.

Don't just straight up scream like yelling as hard as you can. That's retarded. Nobody does that as a main vocal, though I've heard yells used well in some parts of some songs. That's not where it comes from. A lot of the metalcore scream is created with the accent or shape of your mouth when you're saying the words. There's a lot of roundness to the tone.

I'd say try to do a "My Dying Bride" growl and put some round on it, see what you come up with. I don't expect you to sound like the exact definition of that, but certain combinations like that will get you close to what you're trying to do. You want that kind of "yell scream" sound with some roundness.

edit: You can hear a 25-second scream of mine on but it's black metal style.