NEW ALBUM Q42 017/Q1 2018

Hey forumites!
I saw the guys in Bulgaria last night. I must admit they are in great shape overall. Alexi looks healthier and I was happy to see him head banging and moving around on stage again :) I don’t take as many pics or videos during shows, but I have maybe a couple pics and small parts of the new tracks I’ll try and post on the other thread later. :)
they all had great energy, it was a great show!:headbang:
Saw them in Nummirock a couple weeks back. Was a good and energetic show and Alexi indeed was looking healthier. A friend of mine who'd never seen them before was like "DUDE WHEN IS THE NEXT SHOW THAT WAS FUCKIN AWESOME" One shitty thing that wasn't the band's fault was that the stage had this long catwalk thing and if you went to the middle front row you couldn't see shit :D Could be also that I'm really really short but well I found a good spot where I could see the whole band.

And the talk about COF... Well meh Idk if I'd go again. Good playing and a pretty good show but I just got bored tbh :D I went to the 3rd row and people didn't seem very into it. Hypocrisy was fuckin great though 5/5 would go again anytime.
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I took a small break from listening to the new album (didn't listen to it in about two month) and I just went through it all again. Man, I have to admit this really is one of there most solid album. Everything is perfect on it. Still completely blown away by Say Never Look Back. Will definitely work on a cover as soon as I get my string gauge changed from 9-42 to 12-56
I took a small break from listening to the new album (didn't listen to it in about two month) and I just went through it all again. Man, I have to admit this really is one of there most solid album. Everything is perfect on it. Still completely blown away by Say Never Look Back. Will definitely work on a cover as soon as I get my string gauge changed from 9-42 to 12-56

Same here man , really pleased with this album.
Try playing Hecate's Nightmare at 1.25x or 1.5x speed , it sounds so much more like Follow the reaper
^Haven’t tried that, but could it be the elevated pitch (in increasing speed) that makes you feel that way, if you’re talking about playing it faster in an audio program? Given FTR happens to be their most high pitch and treble album (maybe I’m mistaken and it’s actually thinness or intentionally/confidently playing "heavy stuff" in chipmunk pitch). Or you mean the increased energy in upping the pace / playing it faster on guitar? Would slowing down or lowering the pitch of FTR make that album sound like Hexed to you?
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You have the option on Youtube to speed up or slow down the videos without altering the pitch.

I just tried Hecate's Nightmare at 1.25 but it simply doesn't do it for me. I enjoy the slow pace of that song.
When a song is done with certain tempo in mind, I find even just 2 bpm change can disturb the intended vibe too much. (Depends on the music obviously). Pitch is another thing, not a game changer for many ideas, but some ideas really are intended for a certain pitch, where just one semi-tone shift can snuff out the soul of the idea (forcing you to make a key change while writing a song.)
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I was bored in the car so I decided to go through Hexed again. For me, the album didn't age well. It's super solid but it just doesn't have COB magic. Maybe I'm just older, though. Who knows how this album would have been received if released right after FTR?

The only song I can listen through start to finish is Kick in the Spleen, and I gotta say I still think it's good enough to belong on HCDR. Other than that, the song Hexed could have been great if they had replaced the second verse/chorus with some kind of pre-solo section.
I deleted the thing from my mp3 player : - ) I listen to old albums for CoB, other bands for newer stuff.
" Animated video for "Hexed" released!

The RMIT University in Australia spent the last 15 weeks working on the video, resulting in a black and white animated clip. Producers Aaron McLoughlin & Simon Norton spent around 3000 working hours with their team to create the video.

Henkka adds:
“It’s such a cool thing to have a video of one my favourite tracks of the album. And the fact it’s made by Aaron and his 25 students in Australia is even cooler. The black and white calm mood suits perfectly to this not-so-calm song. The lake and it’s reflection makes a perfect ending for it.“

Created by students in the Bachelor of Design (Animation & Interactive Media) program at RMIT University in Melbourne, Australia
Directed by Lucas Cappy & James McIntosh
Animated by Zachary Bossie, Elizabeth Brown, Jordan Caine, Lucas Cappy, Claire Gibson, Cassidy Liddle, James McIntosh, Nathaniel Ng, May Nichols, Kate Schumann, Debrina Setiawan, Yifan Shi, Oscar Song, Jale Soysal, William Thomasz, Song Yingxue, Bao Yiquian
Produced by Aaron McLoughlin & Simon Norton "

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This is propably their best music video. I wonder who came up with the idea. I guess either their teacher, the students or Kelly.

I hope they will release the last frames with the reaper in the background as a high res picture.
All the post HCDR-albums have been hit or miss for me. Great songs here and there on all of them, but in general they are much worse than the first four.

With that said, I think Hexed is the best one from all of them. The proper way to listen is to start the album with the Intro-song (hidden at the end of the Knuckleduster remix). It was supposed to be the first song on the album. Alexi talked about it in interviews between the recoring and release. I wonder if it was the band or label that decided not to use it. This Road seems to flow much better with that intro.

Most songs on Hexed are great in my opinion. Seems weird to me that anyone who has followed the band these last 15 years or so would consider it a bad album compared to all the other ones released in that time period.
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Would also add that the intro perfectly sets the mood for the albums lyrics. Hexed (in my opinion) has the best lyrics Alexi has ever written. Not that high of a bar I guess, but they feel very genuine.

For instance, I don't think UGAC that good musically, but the lyrics moves it up a few notches.
Joonas is that you? XD


What people don't realize when they make fun of Joonas is that some people really do perceive music as literally colourful. It's called synesthesia. They hear a note and they hear it green, or purple, or whatever.
^I don't think I have pure synesthesia, it's more a mental association with colour psychology. An album might sound yellow or blue to me because of its general sound, because of its musical feeling, and because of its approximate pitch. Now, these three aspects should usually go well together if an artist has any sense of style. But it's more or less esoteric how one perceives these, and might be clouded by what we've got used to. For example that song discussed above (Kick In the Spleen) gives a dark blue vibe to me, maybe slightly violet, but definitely dark blue.

How is the synesthesia system even agreed on, is it the different wavelengths in sound as there are different wavelengths in different colours? For me it's just the mental image, feeling and psychology that springs to mind depending on the interval (soft or unstable), the sound used, the pitch, etc. We had this discussion years ago and someone said he could easily imagine Follow the Reaper sounding red, so I dropped it. I deem that album blue because it sounds cold, high pitch, with blissful melodies, midnight lakeside atmosphere, and it deals with bluesy emotions twisted with depression, alcohol, angst and so on. Maybe there's another level to this, but this is how my mind works. At times there could be a flash of dark red with a heavy guitar riff or whatever, but I don't see chords flying at me with different colours during the same musical piece. And just for a reminder, I don't see just colours, I see trees and lakes too.
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