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Teh Forum Fuhrer
Sep 16, 2002
Welcome to the Official

Message Board


Kind sirs, how might I behave myself?
Be yourself. There are very few rules of conduct here, most of which are outlined in detail below. Follow them, show due respect to the band that provides you with the opportunity to post on this board, as well as their fans, and you’ll have no troubles here. Although, along with such glorious freedom, often comes insensitivity, political incorrectness, offensive language/behavior and a general disregard for all things persnickety. Be prepared to deal with such things. Keep in mind, unless you are being a fool, most jabbing and harshness is in jest, and not to be taken seriously. Flame wars will be deleted, unless it is very entertaining. Threads flaming the band or specific person just to get a rise out of them will be deleted. There will be no discussion about the bands personal lives, their relationships, and what not. Qualifying threads will be deleted. About quoting Children Of Bodom songs - if you quote bodom, and really mean it, you derserve all the flaming you get, and I will not delete it. I may lock it after some time, but quoting bodom songs is another reason a lot of people don't come to/stay in this forum. Your post will be deleted or edited to a embarassing comment about yourself. The bunny thing has gotten out of hand, and is completely stupid. Bunny stuff will be edited out of posts.

Alexi's Gear

Since we get about 3-5 threads wondeing about Alexi Laiho's uitar gear a month, I will stick a gear post to this one, along with pictures, and retail stores. Repeated threads regarding Alexi's gear will be redirected to my post.

Forum Favorites

The Person Above Me Thread - Get to know some of the regulars
All you need to know about Finnish language - Learn Finnish
Cob Pictures - Post a pic of that band
Own Pictures - Post a pic of yourself
"Hello, I'm new" - Introduce yourself - Introduce yourself

Have fun, make some friends, but don't be a retard.
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