NS - Now smelling!

:loco: oh dear.... this thread could only be created by Gums. Though k-mak could have done it as well :D :p
You crazy ppl!! I smell nothing right now think.
And what's this roommates thing? Almost everybody I know or heard of in the US or Canada has roommates!? (@ Marlies: if you happen to read this, you know who I am thinking about :D )
Does noone of you live on your own? :confused: ;)
Originally posted by Gaunerin

And what's this roommates thing? Almost everybody I know or heard of in the US or Canada has roommates!? (@ Marlies: if you happen to read this, you know who I am thinking about :D )
Does noone of you live on your own? :confused: ;)

Well, I'm only 19, so unless I won the lottery, the odds of me living on my own aren't very good! So basically, my excuse for having a roomate is that I'm off at University, otherwise I'd be at home with my parents :p

NS - Gaunerin (all the way from here! Take a shower, will ya?) :p
errmmm...I'm nowhere near the genius of our friend Gums!
Hey...what's that smell....Hey! Did someone fart? .....I'm suffocating here....:p

@Gauny, I did live on my own until I moved here (in the Lapland) to study.... (my roommate's a wanker, though)

We'll have to push our "moving together" for some years now....don't you think? :p
well gauny..... if I cut out eating ,gas money , and any form of a social life I might be able to live on my own 1) it is expensive to live in california and 2) I have way too many bills( had too much fun with credit cards and I am now paying for it ...ha ha).....t.m.I huh?:p :D :lol:
Originally posted by Kalmakoff
We'll have to push our "moving together" for some years now....don't you think? :p

oh...I didn't know we had plans of moving together? :eek: :D
Still, you will probably the only one that actually wants to live with me smelling so much even Gums in Canada can smell it! :p

@ John-Boy ;)
I hope your roomate isn't a wanker like k-mak's then
Originally posted by Gaunerin
oh...I didn't know we had plans of moving together? :eek: :D
Still, you will probably the only one that actually wants to live with me smelling so much even Gums in Canada can smell it! :p

haha , true! Yep, she's all yours Kalmakoff!
So Gaunerin, you live alone then?
Originally posted by Gauny
oh...I didn't know we had plans of moving together? :eek: :D

What? :confused: :p :D Right after I finish my studies...

Originally posted by Gauny
Still, you will probably the only one that actually wants to live with me smelling so much even Gums in Canada can smell it! :p]

Let's not worry about Gums... ;)

@ John-Boy ;)
I hope your roomate isn't a wanker like k-mak's then

Hey....I'm used to the guy.....he's ok...even though he's a wanker :D
ns: Dogsfart. Yes, my girlfriends dog is staying with me over the weekend (just us guys, drinking beer and watching porn:lol: ), while she's drinking and having a good time in a bar with her friends. How fair is that?

Anyway, Ukko (the dog) is a good guy, but he just smells really bad today. Maybe he found a rotten rat and ate it?
Originally posted by Gums
So Gaunerin, you live alone then?

Yep, I do. For about 7-8 years now.

Originally posted by k-mak
Yep, Gauny seems to have a mentality of a Finn, so that suits me more than fine!

How can you tell I have the mentality of a Finn??? :eek:
But well.......it's not the worst thing I think :)

btw....k-mak...is it true that the following word means identity card in Finnish:
henkilöllisyystodistus (what a word!)
Originally posted by Gauny

How can you tell I have the mentality of a Finn??? :eek:
But well.......it's not the worst thing I think :)

I don't know....somehow I got the impression... :p

Originally posted by Gauny

btw....k-mak...is it true that the following word means identity card in Finnish:
henkilöllisyystodistus (what a word!)

Yep... henkilöllisyys=identity, todistus=proof, certificate

so it's not literally card, but it's common to use it like that.

What does hääyöaie sound like?
Originally posted by Kalmakoff
What does hääyöaie sound like?

hm...I just discovered that I have a little Finnish-German dictionary on my shelf, so I could have looked up that identity thing myself :rolleyes:

Still, it's not very easy to look up Finnish words with all these different endings to those tons of cases you have....(who said German with its only 4 cases is difficult? :p )
I tried to translate hääyöaie but I didn't get far:
hää=wedding, yö= night....so far it makes sense.
But I have no idea about that aie. According to the dictionary it could be translated to intention but that doesn't make any sense to me :confused:
Anyway.....I'm off for some studies now :(
Later! :)
hm...yep, you asked how it sounded like not what it means........well, all Finnish words spoken by me (given I can pronounce them at all) sound hilarious (that's my guess) :p