Pain - Official French website / forum

Bonsoir Theo,
merci à te!

well I learned French at school for 4 years (some time ago) I can understand it still but I have got a lack of vocabulary so that I can't really speak/write it that easily. (plus: I have some vocabulary "mix ups" due do have leraned Italian and Spanish one year each one after the other when I had no French anymore^^)
I will look for the website, maybe it helps me with the mix up ;)

à bienôt Theo! :)
Haha ! :)

Last year, we had a part in english on our forum, but there were too few people who comes from other countries ... :/

Cheers man :)
it's always good to know more than one language ;)

an italian musician told me some days ago "the best way to learn and refresh the knowledge of a language is its practise". I think it's true because when you don't use a language for a long time you will forget many things... (like I did^^)

I wish you a great evening out there! :)