Pre-Amps 2011

Hi guys,

I am currently looking into buying a preamp, ideally I want a 4 or an 8 input one. I've been looking at getting the SSL Xlogic VHD 4 Channel as i've worked with one before at a studio and it sounded goooood (plus it's SSL can't go wrong eh:kickass:). So far i've found it for around £880 - £900 Online so we'll say max budget is £1000. I've also worked with the Audient ASP 008 which was nice too.

So here come the questions:
1) What are the best sounding pre-amps in that pricerange? (I do everything from Heavy Metal - Acoustic and folk) or what are the different kinds of tones you get with your favourites and best applications?

2) Just for fun. Let's get an updated discussion of everyone's favourite high end Pre's.

If these questions have already been asked recently I do apologise but I also thought it would be good to have an updated discussion as we all know how fast technology moves and any previous discussions may not have any new releases.
API are great.
I have an A2D but lately I am loving my new UA LA-610.
Might be because it's new.
The A2D is pretty awesome. I have the same SSL preamp you are asking about. It's pretty sweet too. I love using alittle VHD in the right way. Guitars and snare = win!
There is just no way you can go wrong with API. Guitars, Drum, vocal, everything! Buts its over your budget.

If your looking for a multi channel preamp for 1k there really isn't that many high end options. The VHD is nice but i don't think its anything "that" special. Better than your average interface preamp for sure but nothing overly exciting about it compared to something like an API. I'd take an Alpha channel it for the added EQ, a nice affordable channel strip that one is although for a few hundred more you could go with a Vintech x73i.

It really depends on what your after. If you want some quality, clean sounding preamps then check out the JDK R20. Made by API and its definitely a great sounding quality piece of gear. Fits right in your budget too. If you want some heavy color and mojo i would look elsewhere though, maybe start a Lunchbox with a 512c. Focusrite ISA are nice too, more middle ground between clean and colored with a killer AD option.

That said, one of my personal favorite preamps is the Chandler Germanium but i don't think it's what your looking for. I wouldn't recommend it as a first or only preamp.
Cheers for all the replies so far. I would love to get my mits on some API kit i've heard many legends of the 3124 and the 512c but out of my pricerange for now. I've read a load of reviews about the VHD and it seems to be a resounding - "it's ok" so my initial enthusiasm about it has somewhat diminished. It will be my first and for now only pre so i'll probably use it on a lot of things - if not everything. I'm gonna look into the JDK stuff and the Alpha Channel - i've heard good things about the channel and that it is infact different to the VHD in terms of circuitry but ideally i want more than one I/O:

Jim @ SSL said: "The VHD Preamp has a slightly different implementation of the VHD circuit than the Alpha Channel. In the VHD pre it is exactly the same as we use in Duality. In the Alpha Channel there is no output control, and a couple of minor changes geared towards DIing guitars."

In terms of what i'm after: a nice clean pre, but I would quite like to be able to dial in some colour for added warmth - get more analog in my tones as it's all straight into AD/DA and plugins for any form of processing atm.

On the high end pre discussion, I've heard a lot about Neve stuff most people say how it is of analog dreams. Any opinions? Where would and wouldn't you use it?
On the high end pre discussion, I've heard a lot about Neve stuff most people say how it is of analog dreams. Any opinions? Where would and wouldn't you use it?
Neve is awesome and there are a lot of clones, or "Neveish" preamps like Vintech X73 and the Great River ME1NV. A cheap one would be the GAP Pre73. They wouldn't be my first choice on drums however. Neve style preamps are a little bit slower and smoother/thicker than the APIs. Awesome for guitars, especially hi-gain guitars imho, but they tend to smear a little on drums when compared to the very fast APIs.

Still, don't expect anything drastic. Today even the cheap preamps are very clean and definitely useable, and even the "coloured" preamps like API, Neve, Chandler etc are just altering nuances of the sound. Imo, of course.

Personally I wouldn't buy an SSL preamp-only-unit. While I recently learned to love the SSL channels on a Duality, and would love to buy the SSL XLogic E Signature Channel for example, I would not want the preamp alone because it's really rather clean and you can get that cheaper elsewhere. If you go SSL then you should try to get a channelstrip with the famous EQ (E/G series) and dynamics section.

A used API A2D might be in your budget btw, as well as the Great River pre.
Neve style preamps are a little bit slower and smoother/thicker than the APIs. Awesome for guitars, especially hi-gain guitars imho, but they tend to smear a little on drums when compared to the very fast APIs.

I'd definitely do it the other way round - Neve on drums and API on guitars. Its all about the smeared transients... Why else would the big boys still track drums to tape?!
I'd definitely do it the other way round - Neve on drums and API on guitars. Its all about the smeared transients... Why else would the big boys still track drums to tape?!
Hehe, I thought that someone would do it the other way round. Personally I'd rather have punchy, aggressive drums with nice transients than smeared ones. The APIs are most commonly used on Kick,Snare and Toms (besides guitars) afair - and it's definitely where I like them best. I think it's all about personal taste and the specific type of music / sound you're going for.

Also, tape saturation effect and the flavor of a Neve preamp are two different things and goals imho.
ooooo I do happen to be handy with a soldering iron, and I do a lot of stuff myself to save money already. I'm on the Seventh Circle site, anyone else got any insights into SCA stuff?

Their API and Neve clones sound awesome (probably everything else too, but I only have experience with those two models), and their prices are so reasonable that I don't think I'm going to buy anyone else's pres until I have 2 full racks of SCA! I haven't A/B'd them against the originals but I'm 100% satisfied with the sound, and from what I've heard the differences are pretty much undetectable, aside from lower noise.
@Chree I found this link from a thread on this forum

SCA are talking about releasing a cheap deal with the chassis, ps03, and A12 module already assembled for around $600 in September - thats around half price of everything individually. I'm very interested in the SCA route as it will be cheaper in the long-run and from every reccomendation I've read it's all super positive - can't go wrong there.
B B B BUMP! ...just cuz we all love a good gear fap.

To make a decision on my original question I think i'm gonna take a punt at the Seventh Circle Audio stuff. Two a12's (API 512c Clone) and maybe an N72 (Neve 1272 clone). Thanks for all the replies everyone.
Good choice. That's exactly what I've got, plus a C84 (which is their Millennia HV-3C clone). Once you have the chassis, adding extra modules is very inexpensive.