random chat thread

I need to post this again:

I'd show some metalhead love to the girl on the right though ... hur hur....:cool:


More like... 15? :p

Okay, observing, and stating facts;

1 she lives in america.
2 she go's to gigs
3 most gigs in america are over 18's...only a few exceptions

And sides if she really was under 18 i wouldn't touch that for as long as i can shout jailbait. And hamster gets it as well .... She has the pedobear seal of approval if she's under 18.

On a totally different note ; I got my fucking ticket to Roadburn yippi-kay-yay
i've uploaded this video.... years ago was available in the site mentalsuplex.com but no longer i think

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Simon :D better than marijuana how ppl here like to call me:p
Its saturday night,I should be writting my essay for uni or checking out homeworks of my so-called students,but im just too lazy tonight.
No,im a student of biochemical engineering and food tehnology but im giving private chemistry classes to kids from highschool.
Of course I do,thats why I get paid for.Most of the ppl dont trust me when i say i listen to metal ,maybe cause im a girl or cause i dont look very metal,but when i say I listen to metal most of the metalheads thinks i know few Metallica songs only.