"Rate my mix"...


Jul 23, 2010
I've noticed that "off-topic" is turning into this
Maybe there could be a "rate my mix" subforum?
Just throwin it out there
If i remember correctly Joey didn't want a rate my mix sub forum that would mostly fill up with mixes trying to sound like Joey. Sorry Joey if I remember incorrectly. But I'd love that because the folks in here are more open to the core than the folks at Sneap forums.

But i don't want to hear everyOne trying to get that Sturgis tone. So maybe make this sub forum a trial? If it works, let it be and if it fills up with "my attempt at sturgis style mix" just take it away?
Wait, so if Joey doesn't want to be checking out a bunch of guys trying to sound like him, wouldn't it be easier for him to make a sub forum for "Rate my mix" and just not check it that way the off topic clears out from mixes like that?
+1, and even since there's not a rate my mix subforum, we're all still going to just keep using the off topic sub forum. making it kind of cluttered IMO. I agree, TRIAL!
Yeah he makes a good point there, but people will post mixes wherever they can anyways :\
maybe make it a subforum specific to someone uploading stems and everyone mixing it?
That's always fun ;D
I think a mix subforum would be a good idea. talking about all this stuff is well & good, but nothing can replace knowledge gained from actually hearing how these concepts work.
it's also good to have an extra set of ears for projects.

as for a forum full of people trying to make Sturgis mixes...
is that really what the people here are trying to do? I'm not.
I love Joey's work, but I'm not trying to become him. no reason for the world to have 2 Joeys. that's just silly.

also, I think "Rate My Mix" is a poor label for the subforum.
I think a more general title would serve better. this way, we can include not only mixes, but any type of music production based audio analysis. whether it be comparing 2 different pres or tossing out a new mix you're creating.
Maybe "Audio analysis" would be a better title? :D I'd go with it.
I hope we will see a sub forum where we can put our mixes for everyone to judge sometime soon. I have faith in this forum.
Yeah "rate my mix" kind of implies a giant circle-jerk from its title. "Mix Analysis" or "Production Feedback" as Ahj said would be much more appropriate.
tempe said:
Yeah "rate my mix" kind of implies a giant circle-jerk from its title. "Mix Analysis" or "Production Feedback" as Ahj said would be much more appropriate.

Personally I don't see why it would be a bad thing because off topic is meant to be about women, cars and the gym, or what I had too eat earlier and the maggot I found in it, its meant for shit that isn't production based at all.

Introducing a 'Production Feedback' thread would be good idea, were people who use this forum can talk about mixing, yes it will probably turn into a strugis fan boy extravaganza, but wasn't that the point of this forum in general? to talk about joey's mixing techniques and his production style, so posting mixes using his techniques or to sound like him is exactly meant for this forum and not the Andy Sneap Forum, i know that it has turned into a multi genre mix sub forum, were everything is welcome form rap to doom metal, but yet everyone who goes on and posts a strugis mix gets called a fan boy with little feedback?

Introducing it here will help keep the Sneap only forumers happy, will it not? Which no offence was another reason why this forum was made was it not?

I go between the two as i love the feel of the sneap forum having the equipment sub forum and rate my mix sub forum. I love listening to peoples mixes, TBH that one of the only ways I listen to music now is for the mix. Good job this is in the Off Topic sub forum as ive just woffled on.

But my main point is, it will make the Joey Strugis forum alot better in my opinion.