Roman Metal


Tyrants and Slaves
Jan 18, 2006
Maine or Iowa
Recommend bands or albums with themes centered around Roman history or mythology.

For example, I've got Aborym - Kali Yuga Bizarre and Kataklysm - Epic (The Poetry of War). Also I've got Rotting Christ's Theogonia and Kronos' discography in terms of mythology.

What else?

Also, bands with lyrics in Latin such as Nazgul (Ita) are in within my scope of interest.
Virgin Steele play songs with more of an ancient mythology feel, but their focus is more on Greek mythology. If you're looking for that as well, try their two albums 'The House of Atreus Pts. I and II'

They also have a song called "The Burning of Rome (Cry For Pompeii)"
The Kataklysm album you named isn't very Roman themed - only two songs...
Behemoth writes about the Roman empire at some points, such as the song Demigod