Romeo demonstrating Eve of Seduction solo

Don't know that I could ever repeat a solo that I've played. Interesting stuff!

First time I saw SymX I was blown away by how effortless MJR's playing was also one of the greatest shows I've seen in my nearly 30 years of concert going.
This is why he's my favorite... he just makes it look easy. And there's so much friggin' ATTITUDE in some of those licks. I'm glad he did this - that's one of my favorite solos from the new album. Thanks for posting!
Awesome. I want to see him do the chromatic part without pick sliding though. I think he did it on the Dawn of a Million Souls solo, cos I remember reading somewhere that it made Arjen quit guitar for a few months cos he felt he was too shit after seeing it. lol.
^Actually Arjen says that on his website. He says that he didn't touch his guitar for a while after hearing the solo. He said that apparently even Russell was surprised.

But yeah, great vid. Romeo is a daaaamn good guitarist.
MJR says he has a mix of the songs (he didn't specify which) that was the original recording minus guitar tracks. I want those! Then I can hear more clearly what the bass and keyboard are playing!