Saxon "Heavy Metal Thunder- The Movie"


Master of Disaster
Staff member
Nov 24, 2002
Well it seems that after the Sam Dunn documentaries and the success of the Anvil movie, now it's time for Saxon to hit the screen big time. Produced by the same team that delivered "Ian Gillan: Highway Star" (2007), the movie will cover the 30 years of Saxon with clips, interviews and guests like Lemmy, Phil Campbell, Mikkey Dee, Lars Ulrich, "Fast" Eddie Clark, Harvey Goldsmith, Danko Jones and Doro Pesch.

Here's the trailer of the documentary:

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I'm interested in their early stuff! So I know I'll eventually see this.
I never got into Saxon that much. I know some people that really love them but they just never did it for me, they were always just there, not bad but not good either. I just always felt there stuff was just slightly under par. "Wheels of Steel" and "Power and Glory" stand out for me but so much of the late 80s/90s stuff falls flat.
I'll of course check out the movie because any movie with a metal theme is ok in my book..:)
I never got into Saxon that much. I know some people that really love them but they just never did it for me, they were always just there, not bad but not good either. I just always felt there stuff was just slightly under par. "Wheels of Steel" and "Power and Glory" stand out for me but so much of the late 80s/90s stuff falls flat.
I'll of course check out the movie because any movie with a metal theme is ok in my book..:)

Man, you gotta listen to some of their albums from the last 10 or 12 years. I was a bit like you before the mid-90s, I never cared for the stuff from 1985 and above and thought the early stuff was cool but was never the biggest fan. Then I bought 1995's Dogs Of War and became a real fan. 1997's Unleash The Beast was heavier and better and since then, they only released very good to excellent albums. They're one of the very few "old" bands whose newer albums are better then their classic early stuff IMO.

Check out Lionheart (2004), Unleash The Beast (1997) and Metalhead (1999) if you never heard them. Killing Ground (2001), The Inner Sanctum (2007) and the new one Into The Labyrinth (2009) are also some damn fine discs.
Check out Lionheart (2004), Unleash The Beast (1997) and Metalhead (1999) if you never heard them. Killing Ground (2001), The Inner Sanctum (2007) and the new one Into The Labyrinth (2009) are also some damn fine discs.

Agree that lately they had put damn fine albums out there specially for me "Killing Ground" (amazing! :worship:), "Lionheart" and "The Inner Sanctum".

I have followed Saxon since "Denim & Leather" (I have all their albums except for TEHL-III, but I'm gonna get it some day :D) and I was kind of dissapointed when "Destiny" (still have some good tunes) came out, and then they dissapeared from my radar. I was so glad when I found "Solid Ball Of Rock" and I think that since then, they have put real good music out there. Some stronger, some weaker albums, but NEVER a bad one :headbang::headbang::headbang:. Saxon is still one of the bands I buy a studio album blindly and IMO they are the most true and enduring band of NWOBHM.

I think they would have been better served to have left Lars off of the promo.

Yes I agree, but I had been thinking about it and in a sense it's kinda of good to have him for promotional reasons. I mean a lot of kids who have followed Popallica lately may listen to him and say well if he likes it maybe the band it's good and some may try Saxon. After all I know a lot of people that they checked Blitzkrieg, Diamond Head, Holocaust after have listening to those old Metallica covers.
Besides Biff Byford is one of the most buddy characters in metal. Saxon had Yngwie on TEHL-II playing with them, Byff had lent his vocals to Freedom Call, Hellowen, Doro and others, so I doubt he will be pissed about having Lars talking in the movie.
Haha I remember when I was a kid, my friend's older brother had some Saxon cassettes and wouldn't let us anywhere near his stuff so we had to wait until he left, pick his door lock, and sneak into his room and copy them so we could listen. His brother would have kicked the shit out of both of us had he caught us. Dude was evil incarnate. Fuck him, we rocked.