
Mar 29, 2006
Warrensburg, MO
I've had my Schecter C1 Stealth for 4 years now. It's a great sounding guitar, but I rarely play leads with it. I played a gig with limited lighting, right after I bought it, and had a hard time seeing where to play. It's really given me a handicap on this guiatr. It has no fret markers on the fretboard, just the little dots on the side, and a tribal inlay at the 12th fret. I want to put some dots on the neck without tearing up the fretboard, and I dont want a sticker that will, you know, cheap stickers would be lame.:lol: Any thoughts?
i had that same problem with my Sch Blackjack c-7. I got used to it though because i had to! haha, i couldnt afford another guitar at the time, but yea i considered all sorts of horrible methods... tip ex entered my head for a second or two...

they need to stop using such dark inlays.
Nah, I gotta look at it.:lol: I find myself, you know hitting the wrong key and really having to plan my leads without the markers. Nothing sounds worse than being a half step off, when hitting a lead.:ill: I gotta have the markers. :erk: I think I'm gonna look for some glue on dots or some shit.
Trade your Schecter in towards a new Dean Mustaine. Shark inlays AND dots! :Smokin: :puke:


Don't feel bad i have the same problem when lighting is dim i can't thell were the fuck my hand is hitting. I got a Gibson Les Paul goth and its only got dots on top not on fret board. There like dots are not white enough, i was considering a esp with big block or flag i think there called inlays because of this problem. I love my guitar though so its tough.....

def need something to put on frets and or top if possible that won't totally fuck guitar up. :yuk:
I just find it wierd that people can't play without looking.


I seem to remeber reading somewhere that when Kerry King played with Megadeth in the early days, he was really impressed by the fact Mustaine didn't look when he was playing solos - King still does now, some 20 years later. It's just one of those things; some people can do it straight away, some have to work really hard at it.

I made my personal dots on my Epiphone Gothic Les Paul with photocopy paper and a two-sides scotch tape.

They look good and if they wear out 'cause of the sweat or the playing itself I just replace them.
I seem to remeber reading somewhere that when Kerry King played with Megadeth in the early days, he was really impressed by the fact Mustaine didn't look when he was playing solos - King still does now, some 20 years later. It's just one of those things; some people can do it straight away, some have to work really hard at it.


Why does Kerry King need to look? His solos are never in any key! :puke:
Yea we play some pretty hard shit and its dam near imposible for me to not look at what im doing personaly. I try and not look and play and try to train myself so i can get crazy on stage but hey some shit i just have to look at when i play.

Those of you who don't well thats fucking awsome and more power to ya!:kickass: