Seek Bang Your Head Watchtower show in video

lionel devillers

New Metal Member
Mar 10, 2002
Chatillon (near Paris)
Visit site
Hello people from the Tower
This is Lionel an absolute fan of Watchtower from France writing.
I am the host of a pluralist metal radio show called Emission Impossible broadcasting here in Paris.
I desesperately look for :
- the chessboard T-Shirt
- the live show of the Bang your Head fest of Watchtower in video (European system)
Anyone who got these items and who is interested in exchanging them are welcomed to mail me back at the following address :
I also search for Cynic stuff (T-Shirt, demo, video, and so one), and a T-Shirt of the Human Tour from the band "Death".
May be some of you could appreciate a lot Zero Hour and Aghora who are musically in the same vein of Watchtower.
Bye everybody and take care.