Short Funny Reviews


New Metal Member
Aug 19, 2019
Belgrade, Serbia
I was denied my review of Hellwitch's Syzygial Miscreancy album today on metal archives for my review being too short and for comments on erectile dysfunction and a warning that said, this album may cause unwanted pregnancies.

No wonder the reviews on there are so long and boring.

The highlights of my review ie the funniest parts were-
This album is the cure for erectile dysfunction. It is pure testosterone. Listening to it is the equivalent of swallowing a bottle of boner pills.
Warning- This album may cause unwanted pregnancy.

Does anybody know of a site where you can find funny album reviews?
Humour is subjective, your obvious talent for comedic reviews will not be seen by everyone...or maybe anyone, but MA does have some very clever reviews. Maybe you should try actually making a review that has some substance and offers something of value to the reader. Failing that you could try to be funny.