Sly's drumsamples library : my 15 snare drums collection for you !

If someone can do .NKI files => free download for him :)

Give me a day or so and I can probably do this for you man, need to double check on how to get multi velocity instruments, but I'll sure as hell give it a crack and you can try it out! That demo snare sounds really good as a blender!

Could you re-upload the demo for these samples, I'd like to check them out and Megaupload has gone under. If you can spare the time, I'd appreciate it - thanks!

-- Phill C
hey scootbaloo, could you explain to us how to create a nki with round robin?
I'd like to put together some nki with samples from my drum sessions.
I could use some triggering software like aptrigga but managing the midi would be better.

for example, I have 10 snare hits, all with hardest velocity. I need a nki which plays them in a random way.

I didn't find anything easy on the net. all NI are definitely "user un-friendly"..

thanks a lot