Some Trip Pictures


Hello, my name is Sean.
Jul 10, 2007
Chicago, IL
No not psychadelic trip. :rolleyes:

Shellie and I took a short road-trip up to Door County in Wisconsin. I'll upload the whole batch to my Flickr when I get home, but here are a couple:


Egg Harbor at 5am.


Some cliffs at a scenic overlook we found.


Cave Point County Park


And again...


Hole in the rock face at the County Park


Me trying to fit into said hole.


Björklunden Stave Church.


And again.

Beautiful area, but I was dissapointed by the church. It appears to have been built in a post-Christian style. Less intricate carvings and more crosses. But alas, this is Wisconsin, not Norway. Still cool to see.
Speaking of Egg Harbor Cafe.... Shellie and I drove around, could find no place with the name, and it is not listed in the directory of businesses in Egg Harbor. ...??

Also, when you and Jill go back, I highly suggest the Log Den, which is just outside of Egg Harbor. I assure you, it exists, unlike other places...
Egg Harbor Café is not actually located in Egg Harbor. It is an Illinois based restaurant that first opened up in Hinsdale. The owner isn't even from Wisconsin, he was from Lake Forest, IL. It's just a name. But they do have fantastic food. That I can assure you.
We did see a "Village Cafe" that was near the place I think you said you stayed. Didn't know if that was it. We ended up eating at a Norwegian place in Sister Bay that had great potato pancakes.

Seanindarkness said:
John, I demand you and Shellie make a trip to Minnesota!
I'm sure we'll make it up there eventually as it's not that far.