Songs that "marked" your life


Aug 26, 2007
Paris / Montpellier, FRANCE
The thread pretty much says it all... this is about the songs that really melt your face when you heard them and left a permanent "mark" on you..
I'm talking about those songs that have been huge stepstones in your life.

If you play along, please attach some youtube file or something for each song, and tell a quick story if there is one, and also try to respect the chronological order in which you heard those songs.

Here are mine (in chronological order) :

Johnny Clegg - scatterlings of Africa

My dad was playing this to me and my sister all the time, we loved it. Super-cheesy world music FTW. When you're 5 years old you don't give a shit about "mainstream" and cheesy, you don't even know what that is. You just enjoy the music for the joy it brings you. Then you grow older and start getting all picky and talk a lot of shit about some artists. I wish i could go back to my former "music innocence" sometimes and enjoy the music for itself without giving a shit if it sounds "embarassing" or not.

Dire Straits - money for nothing

First time i heard an electric guitar riff, that was my first introduction to "heaviness", thanks to my Dad (who happens to look and play the guitar like Mark Knopfler by the way :) ) playing it on his stereo at home. I think i was around 5-7 years old at this time.

Michael Jackson - beat it

My brother got a couple of MJ vinyls when he was around 10 and we were listening and enjoying the shit out of it for a while. The "beat it" sounded catchy and heavy, and the live version with the electric guitar is definitely heavy.

Tina Turner - we don't need another hero (beyond the thunderdome) (Mad Max 3 o.s.t)

Cheesy but totally epic, just like the movie. Left a huge imprint on me when i was a kid. My Dad bought the vinyl for me and i was listening the shit out of it. First movie o.s.t that got me.

Robocop - o.s.t

Around 2"20 -> first time a movie w. classical music moved me i think. This part is so sad and beautiful at the same time. First movie i got obsessed with. The soundtrack is amazing. The movie too. Paul Verhoeven FTW.
Funny thing is the instrumental intro on one of the last Dimmu Borgir albums sounds amazingly close to that part i mentioned above.

Nirvana - smells like teen spirit

Heard this through a friend of one of my older brother's friend during holidays, the cd had just been released. One step heavier, super catchy, i was blown away immediately by the power of the music, and i remember my brother and sister and I listening over and over to the tape in our parents car during holidays trip. I was around 7.

Pearl Jam - Go

Heard that one in the "NBA rising stars" basketball VHS, during the Shawn Kemp part (Seattle Supersonics FTW). Sounded amazing, and i loved the stage diving and "wildness" of the band onstage. Resulting in Pearl Jam's "vitalogy" (VS was sold out) being the first cd i bought. I think i was 9 or something.

body count - born dead

Loved the pinch harmonics, gangsta talk and gang vocals. I think i heard this at school when i was 10 or something. Without Ice T, my English would suck to this date.

pantera - living through me

Heard one song off the "the great southern trendkill" album on the radio, can't remember which one exactly though. The album cover was sick and that song has the sickest face-ripping thrash riff and vocals ever IMO. First metal band that sounded kind of brutal/extreme to me also. Still sounds more brutal and extreme than most extreme metal bands today IMO.

downset - empower

Heard this one song during the same radio show where i heard the Pantera song. Catchy song, amazing vocalist, first "hardcorish" band for me. Love the verses riffs also.

sepultura - C.I.U (criminals in uniforms)

Heard Sepultura during that same radio show AGAIN (i think this radio show really changed my life actually :) ), loved it but it was a different song. 2 years after or something, my brother borrowed the 2-CD "the roots of sepultura" cd. Surprisingly i didn't liked it at first, but then that CIU song (off the "Arise" era) got me hooked and that's basically how i became a "thrash metal" fan (alongside with Pantera), hence my forum nickname...

exodus - and then there were none (live)

My brother got a tape from that same highschool friend he got the Sepultura cd from (my brother was hardly into metal actually, but he was borrowing metal cds from his friends for me to listen to... Thanks bro' :) ).

Joe Satriani - one big rush

That cd was in my dad's collection (he's a guitar player), and it happens to have tons of super catchy and badass and heavy tunes, conversely to most of the guitar hero cds which i find super generic/uninspiring/soft/boring. Just the backing track of that song makes me cream my pants.

Suicidal Tendencies - How Will I laugh Tomorrow

Shred/guitar hero thing meets skate crossover thrash metal. Epic song. Amazing part starting at 2"44, badass guitar solo after.

deftones - lotion

Saw Max Cavalera praising them in magazines, saw the hottie on the cover (best cover ever ?), got the album for christmas, those ethereal melodic vocals blew me away, and the other parts sounded super pissed-off. Was the first nu-metallish/emocore band i got into... Then several years later led me to other amazing bands like 36 crazyfists, Glassjaw, Cave In...

fear factory - replica / hi-tech hate

I thought i was ridiculous and "meh" at first, especially the "silly" (well that was my first impression, which quickly changed :) ) machine-gun riffing and weird melodic futuristic vocals. Then "Obsolete" came out and i fell in love and the "hi-tech hate" song grew on me and i became a fan. Loved the aggression and futuristic/video game atmosphere, and that clean chorus is fuckin' EPIC. Fear Factory with Will Haven during the Obsolete tour was my first metal show.

RATM - killing in the name

Heard this on the radio. Instant love. Sick vocalist, fresh and aggressive and catchy music.

offspring - come out and play (keep em seperated)

Super cheesy guitar lick at the beginning but got me into punk rock. Heard this on the radio and bought the cd. End story.

faith no more - digging the grave

Saw a commercial on French TV (true story), was blown away by the chorus, the chunky verse riff, and Mike Patton vocals. Got the cd for christmas.

pennywise - society

Got me into punk-rock heaven. That was the time were i was way into skateboarding and snowboarding also.

Vision of disorder - imprint

Was blown away by the raw character and sheer aggression, and those weird clean vocals. Then my brother bought this cd for my birthday. Thanks again bro'. Face-ripping Phil Anselmo featuring also.

Will Haven - Muse

Deftones gone bitter and desperate as fuck. You listen to this you feel like you wanna kill your ex girlfriend and jump through your apartment window but it's so fucking intense you love it.

incubus - vitamin

Djembe drums, catchy song, amazing chorus, amazing vocalist. Love at first sight. I think i was 13 or something at that time.

deicide - serpents of the light

Heard this on a metal magazine sample cd. Loved it. They got me into death metal. Ordered the album.

Cradle of filth - cruelty brought thee orchids

Shockingly clicky drums tone for me at the time, but amazing song with some Iron Maiden epicness meets thrash and death metal. Got me into black metal.

Dimmu Borgir - Behind The Curtains Of Night Phantasmagoria

Second gateway to black metal for me. When i listen to it today, it reminds me of Carnal Forge meets early Slayer with blast beats and Cradle Of Filth.

cannibal corpse - pounded into dust

Heard this on another magazine cd sampler. Got my ass-kicked by the non-stopping brutality and blast beats. Bought the cd right away.

slipknot - eyeless

Got intrigued by the "this new Roadrunner new act is gonna melt your faces" advertising and the album cover, then heard that song on a magazine cd sampler, got blown away by the Korn meets Sepultura meets Faith No More meets Pantera meets Death Metal vibe. And fuck those drums and vocals were too good !!!
The brutal DM vibe of some other songs got me deeper into death metal.

merauder - life on my own (cro-mags cover) / find my way

Heard the "life on my own" song on a cd sampler (took me years to find out it was a Cro-Mags cover btw), the in your-face-ness of the vocals and the music killed me. My first NYHC/hardcore metal love basically. Perfect blend of thrash metal and hardcore. Can't find the song on youtube though. Then heard the "find my way" song later on, the beginning of that song is everything i like in my music (two-step-friendly thrash/hxc riff/beat, big aggressive vocals that have a nice flow).

earth crisis - end begins

Totally crushing hardcore-metal. Vocals sound like an enraged dog. Sick. First time i heard about straight-edge/veganism/animal rights also. Starting to make perfect sense today :)

Glassjaw - piano

Heard the Ross Robinson praise, heard the first killer single, fell in the love with the unique blend of Vision Of Disorder meets Bad Brains meets Emocore a la Deftones. Unique vocalist also. The killer solo at the end is simple yet epic.

aborted -nailed through her cunt

Saw a good review of that cd when it came out, heard that song and was blown away by the grind/death with a Pantera-ish vibe thing.

Down - stone the crow

Sludge/groove metal meets southern rock, made by a dream line-up. What else ?

Eyeless - king of serpents

Heard about those guys through a national Roadrunner contest, and knew they were from my town (Montpellier). Heard that song and was blown away by the Pantera meets Napalm Death meets Morbid Angel meets Meshuggah meets VOD vibe. Quickly became their number 1 fan and great friend of theirs. First time i heard Engl amps also. Loved that Engl Ritchie Blackmore tone instantly.

dying fetus - praise the lord (opium of the masses)

Got this from my ex-bandmate who had all those sick NYHC and brutal death metal cds (merauder, madball, nile, morbid angel, kickback, hatebreed, origin...). Sick tapping riffs, amazing drumming, brutal yet catchy, crushing mosh parts, tons of groove, tasty parts, ridiculous low vocals.

cryptopsy - faceless unknown

Badass hardcore-ish vocals on left-field/chaotic/ultra brutal death metal. Canada FTW.

Immolation - sinful nature

Finally figured what the praise was all about and fell in love with their unique style of death metal. Super left-field, dark, evil, intense and catchy death metal.

Madball - can't stop, won't stop

When i first heard Madball back in the days, it was the "pride" music video and it didn't do anything to me. Then i grew up and found out how awesome they were.

Skarhead - T.C.O.B

NYHC with a killer old-school twist to it.

e town concrete - Shaydee / first born

Amazing groove, aggression, fresh-sounding riffs, tasty rap part in the middle, sick vocalist, tasty musicians. Merauder mixed with hip hop and "good" nu-metal ? Perfect blend for me.

Hatesphere - downward to nothing

Thanks Denmark for making thrash the shit again !!! Bringing back brutality and groove into thrash !

Animosity - fake blood

Deathcore done right. Funny how they matured after, and are now in super renowned modern metal bands (Navene is Animals as Leaders, and the bass player and 2d guitar player are in the Faceless or something).

rag men - my world / insomnia / no questions

Members from Merauder/Skarhead/Hatebreed/EarthCrisis/Madball, sounded amazing on the paper already. Then i heard those songs and immediately got into it. Perfect blend of NYHC, old-school rock, metal and punk-rock. Amazing Sepultura "Territory" cover also.
Jorge (also sings in Merauder) and Mitts (also plays guitar in Madball, Skarhead, H2O...) are some of my "heroes", and i got to know them since which is great.
Funny how it sounds like "emotional rock songs" made by tough guys or something :)

Those 3 songs here :

Irate - i remember

Got into this band when i got into beatdown, and then found out they were heading toward a more classical metal/thrash direction, with their own beatdown and even "rock songwriting" twist to it. That song is more of a heavy rock song (think Metallica black album era) with some über-pissed vocals, but is highly emotional IMO.

Cave in - lost in the air :

Got in the band with their early aggressive post-hardcore stuff, but got finally hooked by their more mainstream ethereal post-hardcore rock stuff. I strum the intro riff any time i play the guitar.

Circle Of Tyrants - Joe Spinell

Necro and his crew brought my interest back in rap music. I got tired of the whole metal fanboy namedropping and the "trying to sound more extreme and gory than Cannibal Corpse" thing, but those guys put out some sick backing tracks and have a nice flow.

La Rumeur - y a toujours un lendemain

Reminded me that rap is also about the "take no prisoner" attitude (which reminds me of my favourite metal bands, except it has no screaming, distorted guitars nor double bass drumming), dedication and lyrics. Anti bling bling.

Alice In Chains - down in a hole

Never been really into AIC (whereas i was a huge PJ/Nirvana/Soundgarden fan... go figure) but that song made me realize how emotional and heavy that band was and made them stood apart from the other Seattle/grunge bands (which i also love).

Keren Ann - lay your head down

Sweetest song and voice ever. So beautiful and peaceful. When listening to it with headphones, you feel like she's whispering to you or something. Makes me feel weird now cuz' it brings back some "ex-gf" memories :(

Wisdom in chains - my promise

Hardcore band that managed to bring back actual "songs" into hardcore for me. Makes me think of Pennywise mixed with hardcore and rock/metal, which is awesome. The part that starts in the middle moves me. For real.

Jeff Buckley - Grace

Heard the name for years, and finally took the time to check out his music, and it stood to its reputation indeed ! I was feeling terrible (i.e dumped :) ) at this time and the melancholy of the music really spoked to me, for good and for bad :) This is one of the most emotional record ever, and the production is amazing, feels like the band is playing in the room with you.

Covenance - the wasting

Exactly what i needed after feeling semi-depressed being dumped and feeling sad thanks to Jeff Buckley (see post above). Pure crushing Maryland slam death. Stripped-down Dying Fetus/Misery Index kind of thing. No place for whining here. Perfect music to do an intense workout to and stop being lazy.

Soilwork - king of threshold

Extreme yet super-fresh and catchy and intense. This song is just crazy.

Michael Jackson - earth song

I had not heard this song in like 15 years, and it jumped back at me when i saw the "this is it" movie. Made me realize again how epic MJ was sometimes.

New Found Glory - coming home

Who guessed i could go back to pop-punk someday :) I think this song sounds a lot like Michael Jackson also :)

Leeway - stand for / hornet's nest

I was digging into the old '"legends" of NYHC, and finally checked them out, found them weird first (sounded kind of cheesy and those vocals were quite the opposite of what i like in heavy music (i love pissed off menacing vocals)), but then the killer melodies and amazing grooves got me, and now i love the singing also. The mosh part in the middle of "stand for" is HEAVY AS FUCK. I also dig the more rock/moody evolution they followed after, and the singing on that "hornet's nest" song is amazing.

Comes with the fall - waiting out the breakdown

Finally decided to check out "the rock band where new Alice In Chains' singer comes from" and i didn't expect to be blown away that much. This guy is one of the most talented singers out there, has a very diverse style (he can do way more than what you hear in AIC !), and those songs are the shit. Think Soundgarden meets U2 meets Jeff Buckley meets Alice In Chains meets LEd Zeppelin.

Maximum Penalty - could you love me

One of those other NYHC gems. I love the Bad Brains meets Pennywise feel on this.

Textures - awake

I've really liked the band since they second album, but they got better and better throughout the years, and the super emotional ethereal singing got me in the end (whereas the "djenty" aspect kind of annoyed me at first). New album is a gem also. Plus they make me enjoy that aspect (ethereal emotional singing) of some other bands even more : Devin Townsend/SYL, Scarve, Gojira...

That's all i can remember for now and that's more than enough for you to check out :)

Funny thing is that i still love all those songs, and even more now than back then. Actually they're my favourite songs/bands pretty much, and it sums up my musical influences and evolution also (grunge -> groove metal/rap metal/thrash metal -> punk rock/funk rock/nu-metal -> brutal death metal/black metal/hardcore/rap/pop -> all of this mixed together).

A lot of those bands have been around for a long time (or still around) and killing it all the way.
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These two songs literally saved my life.
I was suicidal, constantly high on morphine, had a medical cabinet full of sleeping medication and whatnot.. these two songs really expressed what i felt at that time, and especially the Dokken tune saved my life as it made me push my self through it all.
.. and thats why i ended up getting that tattoo! ;)
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These two songs literally saved my life.
I was suicidal, constantly high on morphine, had a medical cabinet full of sleeping medication and whatnot.. these two songs really expressed what i felt at that time, and especially the Dokken tune saved my life as it made me push my self through it all.
.. and thats why i ended up getting that tattoo! ;)

Music has quite a lot of power on human beings.

I always find songs that make me feel happy, or sad but alive, or powerful and ready to rule the world and do some sports, etc... Music has always been there for me in the great moments of my life, but also in the most average and also darkest/shittiest times, and got me through it...

I would say...

First real metal song I've heard...


The intro is the most beautiful, melancolic, whatever thing I've ever heard.

And lately,

First song to make me cry, I mean a lot of songs gave me chills or made me on the verge of tears, but this made me literally cry. And the lyrics are beautiful.
I don't want to die before I've heard the two songs above live (I've heard Enter Sandman last year, so it's ok for this one :D)
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First time I heard this on radio, I thought to me "wow, orchestral arrangements in a metal song?, fucking awesome" I was young and didnt know that they do this kind of metal!lol

By the time, my mind was blown with this kind of complexity in orchestral arrangements. I never thought this would be possible!lol and in that time I knew almost every shit in heavy/power/shymphonic metal. Soon I discovered that a dozen bands were original and the rest was a worse copy of the same shit.

Yes, this was something really different! Never heard something similar to this guy and until today there is no one that can write a song so full of emotion like devin. First time I heard this was like a journey trough the mind. I was experiencing something new. Simple, yet so rich and expressive. This really changed my way of seeing and hearing music.
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And lately,

First song to make me cry, I mean a lot of songs gave me chills or made me on the verge of tears, but this made me literally cry. And the lyrics are beautiful.
I don't want to die before I've heard the two songs above live (I've heard Enter Sandman last year, so it's ok for this one :D)
Hell yeah, the whole Alcest album is so fucking incredibly good! The song gives me chills everytime I listen to it. Awesome music.
Cool Idea for a thread man.

Run D.M.C - S/T
The first record I ever bought, was probably around 7/8 years old.

Around the same time I was then introduced to nu-metal by a couple of older friends.
Slipknot - (sic)
I bought the next few records at the height of my struggles with depression, and I fully attribute them with me making it through that period. It's also the most aggressive record ever, no contest. I still get angry listening to it, partly because it reminds of how I felt when I first heard it.

Korn - Freak on a Leash

Metallica - Battery

Slayer - Seasons In The Abyss
Seeing the video for this kick started my obsession with Slayer

I actually stopped being interested with new music for about 3-4 years, and was perfectly happy listening to Slayer, Metallica, Sepultura and other non metal stuff that I had acquired up until that point.
Then, after I left school I tried my best to catch up with what I had missed.

Sepultura - Slaves Of Pain
Joint favorite record ever.

Kreator - Riot Of Violence
The song that made me want to explore music again.

Death - Story To Tell
The very first death metal song that I actually enjoyed, very important point in the development of my tastes.

At The Gates - Blinded By Fear

Burzum - Jesus Tød
This song had me transfixed, I have very rarely felt as deeply moved by music as I was when I first heard this. The song that introduced me to BM.

Suffocation - Liege Of Inveracity
I was absolutely perplexed by the extremity at first, and slowly the record unraveled after countless listens. My other joint favorite record.

Deathspell Omega - First Prayer/Sola Fide I
This record moves me more deeply than any other record.
And these song's beauty brings me to tears.

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First order of business - I'm a bit older than most that frequent this forum so my earliest musical moments are from albums that most would only hear on "Classic Rock Radio", mostly from the 70's and 80's (my musical formative years) since I'm 44 this year, second - my love of all things musical has to be credited to my older brother (8 years older than me) whom unknowingly planted the fertile seeds of all things musically wonderful by having this truly incredible collection of vinyl that I would sneak into his room, grab a 12" based solely on incredible cover artwork or some such matter I thought was cool as an 8 - 12 year old, and go listen to them on my record player in my room. His love for the mostly progressive/rock music of the 60's and 70's was the basis for my entrance into my lifelong appreciation of prog, classic rock, metal, pop, ... you name it I can find a meaningful song from almost any genre of old. So for that alone - I love him dearly.

The first album I ever purloined from his room was the 1973 classic by Genesis "Selling England by the Pound" and by the time I reached it's third track "Firth of Fifth" I was sold on Progressive Rock (not knowing it was called that - it was just music to me). Later I would marvel at those early Peter Gabriel era Genesis albums, using them as both an escapist medium and a basis for further forays into music outside the popular norm. This was 1974 and I was 7, perhaps a little early to understand what I was hearing or to even know it was "progressive", but I thought it was cool and since my brother liked it, so did I. Since I still to this day think my father has awful taste in music, I thank my brother for giving me something so much bolder and creative to that young fertile mind.

So - part I complete, my first memorable/meaningful song/album. This could certainly be a long thread by the time I finish up; 44 years of a love affair with music has many moments to savor.
I really don't think I know where to start. chronological order is even harder for me because I usually went back through music and that's the stuff that hit me. digging through my parents cd collection etc.

This song is something that has always hit me hard. I remember when this album first came out and my parents kind of dismissed it. A few years later my love for Silverchair blossomed and Neon Ballroom was that kind of album that you know you can hit repeat on and never get sick of it.

I was in grade 10, studying art in highschool when this quiet (i think phillipino) university student came in and was doing the practical part of his teaching degree. we got chatting As I enjoyed his art and got onto music. Next week I show upto class and he has 3-4 cd's with him and says take these home and listen to them. let me know what you think. Devin Townsend-Ocean Machine,Strapping young lad-City,The New Black, Misery Signals-of Malice and the Magnum Heart, and Arch Enemy-Doomsday Machine. It is safe to say that man changed my life. I wasn't aware that devin was the mastermind behind both DTB and Strapping and he left me to find that out myself but the atmosphere that Ocean Machine contained throughout the whole album and the emotional pull of that album was nothing I had heard before. Despite "The Death of Music" and "Things Beyond Things" probably being my favourite tracks it was when I hit play on this track that I knew I was listening to something truly amazing.

Devin Townsend-Seventh Wave

Devin also used progression on both DTB and Strapping that I'd never heard.

Misery Signals-The Year Summer Ended In June
Same story, Emotion & Power captured incredibly well.The Musicianship and lyrics still blow me away and how Melodic and aggressive this album away is astonishing. You can hear/feel the emotion not only in this guys voice but in every chord and hit played on this cd.


I am a huge Nirvana fan and used to go to sleep every night listening to Unplugged throughout highschool. I had to buy the cd again because I had it worn out so bad. I don't care if it is a cover but this performance is truly amazing.

Nirvana-Where Did You Sleep Last Night


It's more the album that had an impact on me as I was going through the ridiculous headfuck of breaking up with my girlfriend after I'd recently got into this album. We'd gone and saw this band a little bit before hand, and then when shit kicked up this album was there and became my voice.
Despite relating to other tracks a little better this songs emotion, and story through lyrics is what originally got me infatuated with the band.

La Dispute-New Storms For Old Lovers

I could write a story about nearly every album I have. But the ones that truly stay with me are because of the emotion that you can honestly feel through the music.The most recent would be Touche Amore's "Parting the Sea Between Brightness and Me"

The Black Dahlia Murder-Statutory Rape.
This whole album defined the music I was going to play. I had already started my band and was playing similar stuff but Black Dahlia really made me go fuck, I need to strive for something more and that is how it's done.This and obviously At The Gates- Slaughter of the Soul

I don't think I remember the songs that made me want to learn guitar or made me really say. "Yep, Audio Production is what I want to do" but I have a feeling Trivium's Ascendancy and Ember To Inferno solidified the riffing style of my playing.
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AC/DC - Highway to Hell was probably the first hard rock, guitar oriented song I heard on the radio in the mid 80's. Anybody heard of Aldo Nova lol? That song "Fantasy" with the darth vader/helicopter/mechanical bat shriek intro probably started me on the road to headbanger city.
somewhat chronologically. i was born in 1984.

classical music, more specifically chopin revolutionary etude i remember being like 3 years old hearing my mom play it for her dissertation recital or whatever it was.
armenian folk music
john coltrane - giant steps
beatles - let it be
michael jackson - thriller
michael jackson - man in the mirror
michael jackson - lady in my life
michael jackson - the girl is mine
stevie wonder - superstition
duran duran - rio
mariah carey - vision of love
guns n roses - you could be mine
van halen - right now
pearl jam - black/ alive
metallica - enter sandman
oasis - don't look back in anger
pharcyde - runnin
otis redding - try a little tenderness
wu tang clan - protect ya neck
the eagles - hotel california
jimi hendrix - the wind cries mary
led zeppelin - dazed and confused
led zeppelin - going to california
moby - porcelain
miles davis - flamenco sketches
tool - 46 & 2
fleetwood mac - the chain
pantera - cemetary gates
dream theater - lie
testament - souls of black
system of a down - suite pea
meshuggah - future breed machine
opeth - ghost reveries
lamb of god - 11th hour
arch enemy - dead eyes see no future
For the record, I was born in the end of October 1990.

First album I owned, it was given to me as a gift when I was 10-11 years old. First song of the album, first song I listened on repeat in my life. Damn I still love it so much.

No comment. I was such a SOAD-whore back then.

This is so good. Listened to it so much when I had some personal/family issues...

This is the song that made me start to compose my own music. So glad I did actually. It was the first time I realised what I loved in music - the mixture between heaviness and melodical lines.

One of the first hardcore pieces I ever listened to. Still makes me headbang the shit out of me. But damn, this music video...

Yeah, Linkin Park. TAKES ME ONE STEP CLOSER TO THE EDGE, AND I'M ABOUT TO BREAK :D Reminds me of times even before high school...

Yes, I'm so from the 90's...

On a different note, I love this. Or pretty much anything The Beatles put out over their short career... Discovering this band over the years made me see another side of music I didn't knew before... My perception of music changed with this. Could have put "While my guitar gently weeps" or "Blackbird" too...

Made me fall in love with classical music. I always have been playing classical piano (I started at 5 years old, I'm 20 now), but I never realised how beautiful the music I was playing without really thinking about it was beautiful. It actually made me realise how much interpretation is important in playing your instrument, too.

Oh, this is so much more recent for me. I always loved this great piece of music, and Dvorak is one of my favourite composers (I'm particularly into romantic-era composers). My girlfriend took this into consideration and actually bought me tickets to see the Montreal Symphonic Orchestra playing this for my birthday on our first year together. God, I was so surprised. I'm still with that girl and will always be! It's been 2 years and a half a couple of days ago and I still remember this night at the concert.

On the top of my head, that's all I can find for now, but I could probably add more later.
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Anybody heard of Aldo Nova lol? That song "Fantasy" with the darth vader/helicopter/mechanical bat shriek intro probably started me on the road to headbanger city.

Funny you should mention Aldo Nova and his spectacular first album - I have a story that goes along with that album as well. It was 1981 and I was 14 years old, my parents had bought me a boom box for my birthday that year, one of the ones with a cassette player and an AM/FM radio (this was a year before the first commercially released CD of Billy Joel's "52nd Street" was released) so nope, no CD player, just a big old box with two speakers and cassette player capabilities.

Long story short, that summer my parents took us to a very popular New England beach for vacation and I had strict orders to not let my new present out of my sight. My older cousin had brought along Aldo Nova's first self titled release with him on cassette tape and we had been listening to it one evening while heading up to the board walk arcades to drop some coinage into the very popular video games of the era (I played a lot of "Defender" that summer if I recall correctly). To the gist of the story - I put down my boom box, with Aldo Nova's "Fantasy" playing quite loudly, right next to the machine I was playing - I got caught up in a great long run of successful gaming and by the time I had the infamous "END GAME" splash across the screen, I noticed that music was no longer playing. Thinking the tape had just run it's course I reached down to start it over only to find that someone had stolen my birthday present right from under my eyes while I was absorbed in my gaming bliss. /sigh

So - while I actually thought that that album by Also Nova was a great spin, somewhat ahead of it's time almost in some ways with a pretty different production looking back at it now, I have some unfond memories of having to go tell my parents I had it stolen while I was otherwise occupied. So - not a great musical related moment, but a memorable one none the less. Part II complete - what to think of next.
Funny you should mention Aldo Nova and his spectacular first album - I have a story that goes along with that album as well. It was 1981 and I was 14 years old, my parents had bought me a boom box for my birthday that year, one of the ones with a cassette player and an AM/FM radio (this was a year before the first commercially released CD of Billy Joel's "52nd Street" was released) so nope, no CD player, just a big old box with two speakers and cassette player capabilities.

Long story short, that summer my parents took us to a very popular New England beach for vacation and I had strict orders to not let my new present out of my sight. My older cousin had brought along Aldo Nova's first self titled release with him on cassette tape and we had been listening to it one evening while heading up to the board walk arcades to drop some coinage into the very popular video games of the era (I played a lot of "Defender" that summer if I recall correctly). To the gist of the story - I put down my boom box, with Aldo Nova's "Fantasy" playing quite loudly, right next to the machine I was playing - I got caught up in a great long run of successful gaming and by the time I had the infamous "END GAME" splash across the screen, I noticed that music was no longer playing. Thinking the tape had just run it's course I reached down to start it over only to find that someone had stolen my birthday present right from under my eyes while I was absorbed in my gaming bliss. /sigh

So - while I actually thought that that album by Also Nova was a great spin, somewhat ahead of it's time almost in some ways with a pretty different production looking back at it now, I have some unfond memories of having to go tell my parents I had it stolen while I was otherwise occupied. So - not a great musical related moment, but a memorable one none the less. Part II complete - what to think of next.

Hahaha, man the 80's were awesome! That reminds me of having a shitty mono portable 8-track in like 85-86 I think, it had a shoulder strap to carry it around blasting Foreigner's Double Vision and the 4 album lol. My mom would yell at me to turn it down. I used to stand on my toybox and mimic singing to Houses of the Holy with stuffed animals as my band hahahaha.