"Sound of White Noise" and How... well, Read It


OK, a lot of people on boards I go to (OK, Megadeth fans on the Megadeth board) post threads about how the band "saved my life" or "stopped me from killing myself." I kinda take it as is, that someone just happened to hear something that helped them at their horrible time. I felt good for them, and always wondered if I could ever say what happened to me.

Well... here I am.

As odd as it may seem, this album, the ENTIRE album "Sound of White Noise" stopped me from doing a LOT of stuff. I've never, ever, EVER had a song do that for me, let alone an entire ALBUM, and more than twice. If your up to it, I'll tell a small story of the first time the album stopped me from doing something stupid. If not, cool. I'll keep this as short as possible.

Back last April, my... well, my mom was in the hospital and my dead-beat dad came over. I was 19, in college, and had to start taking care of myself alone. My dad had always been a pain in my ass and was never there for me, so one day I told him to get out of mine and my mothers life. He almost... well, he almost killed me. When he finally left and after Dave Mustaine of Megadeth called the cops (Another long story for another day), I was really angry. So out of nowhere, I just put on an album. It happened to be this album, and Potters Field came on. I just went nuts to the lyrics and it just made me feel so much better!

Over the next few months, my mother's healt deteroiated and I was forced to do more and more. But whenever I felt like going out and yelling, like punching the walls, like taking my anger and fustration out on someone else, I would just blast this album from beginning to end and I would feel better. I can't tell you how many times "This is Not an Exit" helped me when I just felt Schitzophrenic.

Anthrax, thanks. Thank you so much for this album! It's one of my favorites.
hey dude - whats up? You should have brought beer with your copy of SOWN.

Have fun and post up a storm. And yeah Dad's can be a real pain in the ass!!
Heh, thanks for the replies! Yeah, I look foward to posting here as much as possible (Although I feel this place is held together with string, paper clips, and chewing gum ;) ).

As for Dave calling the cops, I couldn't call anyone at the time I was being attacked. Luckily, I had the computer on, and decided to post an SOS on the 'deth boards since a lot of people post there. I put my phone number there, and Dave called the cops for me.

But, yeah, this album means a lot to me. I can't even think of one that's helped me more. I love my Megadeth CD's, but not one album was able to do what this one did. I'm giving it a spin on the way to school tommorow for fun, and it just got me inspired to post about it here.
LuvataciousSkull said:

OK, a lot of people on boards I go to (OK, Megadeth fans on the Megadeth board) post threads about how the band "saved my life" or "stopped me from killing myself." I kinda take it as is, that someone just happened to hear something that helped them at their horrible time. I felt good for them, and always wondered if I could ever say what happened to me.

Well... here I am.

As odd as it may seem, this album, the ENTIRE album "Sound of White Noise" stopped me from doing a LOT of stuff. I've never, ever, EVER had a song do that for me, let alone an entire ALBUM, and more than twice. If your up to it, I'll tell a small story of the first time the album stopped me from doing something stupid. If not, cool. I'll keep this as short as possible.

Back last April, my... well, my mom was in the hospital and my dead-beat dad came over. I was 19, in college, and had to start taking care of myself alone. My dad had always been a pain in my ass and was never there for me, so one day I told him to get out of mine and my mothers life. He almost... well, he almost killed me. When he finally left and after Dave Mustaine of Megadeth called the cops (Another long story for another day), I was really angry. So out of nowhere, I just put on an album. It happened to be this album, and Potters Field came on. I just went nuts to the lyrics and it just made me feel so much better!

Over the next few months, my mother's healt deteroiated and I was forced to do more and more. But whenever I felt like going out and yelling, like punching the walls, like taking my anger and fustration out on someone else, I would just blast this album from beginning to end and I would feel better. I can't tell you how many times "This is Not an Exit" helped me when I just felt Schitzophrenic.

Anthrax, thanks. Thank you so much for this album! It's one of my favorites.

Welcome aboard. Wicked story. Glad all is well. Anthrax and other heavy metal has helped keep me sane over the years. I think if I din't have the outlet of heavy music i'd suffer bouts of anger and violence. It's a big release for me.

Keep on posting
Who hates Keep it in the Family... I FUKN LOVE THAT SONG - both versions too, the worlds darkest white man and the new dad singing it!

That song is has the heaviest slow groove to it ... just love the fuck outta it!