Studio House Remodel

nope, havent needed to yet. probably wont either. i dont get that crazy with the acoustics because it never seems to be that much of an issue for me.

Some of the more respected guys over at the andy sneap forum think the same. not that acoustic treatment is a bad thing but it's not the holy grail.
Some of the more respected guys over at the andy sneap forum think the same. not that acoustic treatment is a bad thing but it's not the holy grail.

IMHO the most important thing is that the "sound" in the control room is perfect for the engineers listening comfort.

IF there is something in the room that you dont like, deal with it.

Joey a one room remodell is way faster then one month if you deal with pros.
This should be done within two weeks maximum
Just meandered over and saw this thread. Very nice on the floors Joey, I just did my upstairs in a red oak. I couldn't believe how long it took to do a measly 580sq ft. So boss once it's done though!

Havn't gotten around to doing any drums on it, but the ceilings are nice and high so I'm gonna give it a shot fairly soon.