Svidd Neger samples!

Firedwarf said:
Hmm..which song from Perdition City?

And those tracks sound awesome. ^^
If i remember correctly it's the second one on PD. Porn piece or the scars of cold kisses...or something like that.

Anyway, the samples sound interesting.
boy am I confused... is this the soundtrack coming out, or something else? then why is there a remix of "Porn Piece or the Scars of Cold Kisses"?

Anyways, the second sample sounds awesome. Reminds me of a mouse sneaking through a house trying not to get caught or make any noise, trying to get to the cheese :zombie:
well, I think ULVER can "cover" themselves if they want, although I don't like this idea...
nevertheless its is the SAME riff, not only a bit similar. perhaps they liked this riff that much that they decided to use it in another version...
Now i finally found that board too

As for the samples, they sound interesting and the fifth sample which has the main melody of "Porn piece..." sounds great the way it continues.
I could listen to that melody for hours, although it's just these little 3 melodies, it has such a strong emptiness to it, must hear that song in full shape!