Symphony X Fanboism!!!

Damn, you're only 1 inch taller than me, but have me by 100 lbs! But I'm fairly skinny. I always get XL for the length...nothing pisses me off more than when it's short length-wise but wide enought to fit 2 people :lol:
I have a football players build, and it pisses me off that they make shirts in only xl, and than on top of which not all the companies XL are the same.

I got a kamelot sweater, XL fits fine, I love it! An Epica Sweater, feels like I'm being strangled by a fucking polar bear!
I'm a little upset they don't make anything over XL, I'm 6'5 280Lbs for crying out loud! I need a mans size!

Typically the manufacturing costs remaing the same for S-XL. Anytime you go larger than XL, there are added costs per size. This is one reason why some bands opt against printing the larger sizes. Biggest SymX shirt printed to date has been a 3X. Most of the time, 3X is available through the website. Not everything has been printed in 3X, but several designs have.

Hope this helps to clear up some stuff :)

it clears some stuff up glenn, but I knew that... But everything CURRENTLY available on the site, goes up to XL!

Not quite correct, my brother. The masks shirt is available in a 2X and 3X. Also the Odyssey Tee is available in 2X. And come to think of it I may have something else here at the house that may not be on the site, but it is in 2X. If you don't see it, you are always free to ask me about it.

One common problem with small shirts is that they often simply aren't large enough to accommodate the actual dimensions of the design created for all of the other size shirts, and it's just not cost effective to make a separate design for one size shirt.
that may be glenn, but i mean I was looking at the site merch the other day, and they didn't have that many shirts at all, all the older ones are gone, and the sizez went up to xl :)

So If I send you a birthday card or soemthing you'll send me a giant ass shirt?

Older shirts are sometimes reprinted and sometimes not. Purely hit or miss.

I'm sure if you really want me to list off all the old shirts that were ever printed in 2X for North America, I could. ;)

But there are items currently available in 2X in some designs.

I'll accept a birthday card, but it's not necessary. An e-mail to discuss possibilities of other or exisitng items is perfectly ok. And then I'll find you a shirt with a giant ass print on it. I'll ask the person sitting on it to move first before pulling on it. ;)
The decals are vinyl decals, not static cling ones..and they're currently only available through the fan club (or will be again within the next few weeks, after having been out of stock for far too long).
One common problem with small shirts is that they often simply aren't large enough to accommodate the actual dimensions of the design created for all of the other size shirts, and it's just not cost effective to make a separate design for one size shirt.

That makes sense. And here I was thinking that there just aren't enough small people (or people who like to wear their shirts really tight).

I suppose medium is an acceptable substitute.