The Game Thread


Nov 16, 2006
I've noticed a few people here play on steam games so I thought it would be okay to have a thread about games.

Discuss anything about games here.

My steam account id is heavystevenmetal.
look, it's Syu playing a video game. And showing off his package. Every thread on COBOT is about Syuuuuuuuu

I've noticed a few people here play on steam games so I thought it would be okay to have a thread about games.

Discuss anything about games here.

My steam account id is heavystevenmetal.


but derp, I play halo, TF2, gears of war and other shit on xbox
I used to play prince of persia but i sold my PS2 :(
Don't play much games anymore. Heroes of Might and Magic III sometimes. Basically I'm just looking forward to Starcraft II and Diablo III, then I will start playing more. I also have a WoW account but I don't really play it anymore because it bores the shit out of me.
Joshu Swabaru

Ensi and Eddy have my steam accounts, TF2 seemd to be a two week "lolImtired of WoW" thing, which has now moved onto Bully, and now im on Oblivion. Fucking took me 3 hours to install last night, with mods and updates >8(
I've noticed a few people here play on steam games so I thought it would be okay to have a thread about games.

Discuss anything about games here.

My steam account id is heavystevenmetal.

Added! And great thread idea:D

Just before I entered cobot seconds ago I thought "Why don't we have a vidya thread? I'm gonna make one!"

I'm surprised a thread like this took so long to come into existance =l

Me too >8(

I sometimes play TF 2 with sentry sappin' Ensi.

Hels yeah.

Also, playing Left 4 Dead with Eddy is the most awesome thing ever.

Steam ID: Immortalitas
I'm surprised a thread like this took so long to come into existance =l

I have considered making this thread so many times but could never be arsed :rofl:

Custer's Revenge


goooooodnight, everybody.

rolf, so much lol

Also, playing Left 4 Dead with Eddy is the most awesome thing ever.

You have yet to experience the full might of MAN SQUAD young padawan.

Also Since I got this new PC all I do is fucking game :rofl:
I play Heroes of Newerth mainly which is in closed Beta so I doubt many of you will have it plus L4D, CS and anything I can be arsed with at the time.

Steam = eddy_rx10
I play Arma 2 and Fallout 2 mostly nowadays

Some Fallout 3, no Far Cry 2(seriously what the fuck is up with no friendly AI? my pals patrols every 10th meter gets old so fast)
Crysis(+ Warhead)
Used to play Oblivion but got sick of it :p
also own a game named "Prey" but never even bothered to install it..
USED to play Eve Online but i gave up that, its just another mmorpg and i dont have the attention span to endure those for greater periods of time
Used to play some SWAT 4 but i havent installed it after format.

Played a fuckload of S.T.A.L.K.E.R: Shadow of Chernobyl and Clear Sky
love both but the difficulty level is somewhere between "i will break your legs off and make you run 10 miles" and "Surviving a single shotgun blast to the head"

and thats on sub-normal level. Fuck anything above that, its not possible :lol:

On steam i got
All Half Life 2's(Used to be leet as dick but im bored of it now)
Portal(God tier game)
Crysis Warhead(Pretty allright)
All Counter-strikes(dont play any at all)
Audiosurf(I enjoy this one a lot, chillaxing)
Garry's Mod(this is like lego, when you start you get sucked in for way too many hours, its a drug)
Team Fortress 2(Not even installed, dont like it)
Both Day of Defeats(Used to play but not anymore)
Morrowind GOTY(Not installed, but Morrowind > Oblivion, anyone who states otherwise is a fucking noob and a console gamer, yes, you heard me.)

TL;DR Arma 2, Fallout 2, Portal, STALKER(excluding difficulty level), Crysis and GTA4 are my god tier games(partly in order).
Basically I'm just looking forward to Starcraft II and Diablo III, then I will start playing more.

Basically the same for me. I still play Warcraft III and original Starcraft sometimes, but that's basically it.

Oh yeah, I have Diablo II also, but I haven't logged in for months. If anyone wants to play, though, or at least help me move some items around on my characters, that would be sweet.
I've git a PS3 but everyone else everywhere seems to still be sucking microsofts cock.

I like how you own a PS3, but you aren't a cocksucking fanboi in any way :lol:

also own a game named "Prey" but never even bothered to install it..
Played a fuckload of S.T.A.L.K.E.R: Shadow of Chernobyl and Clear Sky
love both but the difficulty level is somewhere between "i will break your legs off and make you run 10 miles" and "Surviving a single shotgun blast to the head"

Morrowind GOTY(Not installed, but Morrowind > Oblivion, anyone who states otherwise is a fucking noob and a console gamer, yes, you heard me.)

Prey was alright, my freind has it, I only played once or twice. It has portal portals, but you dont place them :( Worth giving it a go, especially sicne you own it :p.

There is the reason I don't play STALKER, and the only reason :lol:. Amazing game when I'm not trying to figure out whos shooting me, only to find out at the last minute and have my shitty rusted pistol jam on me.

And yeah on Morrowind, but the graphical update to Oblivion when exploring the wilderness is soooooooo much better. Gameplay, story, world, everything other than the pretty gloss of Oblivion, morrowind beats. There is an Oblivion Mod that converts all morrownd files to Oblivion, so you can run around the world in Oblivion, never tried it out though.

I also remember getting that Jinx sword really early in the game, that causes paralyze. I would get attacked by Dark Brotherhood in the middle of the night, freeze them, beat them down, then half the city armor merchants would be dressed like them.

And on that, I will soon return to Oblivion. <3 stealthy stealth.
I still love morrowind lol. If they would make the action sequences in it like it was in oblivion and the cool perks of leveling up skills, and then make it MMO, I would never be seen again lol.


Same with fallout 3.

If it were MMO, I'd like... idk, be one happy camper lol.