The 'Grow HUGE Viking Beards' Thread.

Plus the other thing that sucks about having a beard is that I hear no end to the bitching from my girlfriend about it. She doesn't like it in...errm... "encounters" because it's "itchy".

I get that from my girlfriend too, and mine's not even very big.

(I suppose I could have only made one post, but whatever.)
I'd love to grow a big beard, but seeing as I'm still at school, I don't really get a chance to develop it, what with the year coordinator going round handing out shavers to people.
That's why holidays rule.
I´ve pretty much left the ´big beard´ thing behind (for now). Instead, if stretched, my 'stache almost reaches my ears :)
Was growing the 'stache instead of the beard:


but had to trim it last week since I started training for a new deployment. This time training riot control, and gas mask+beard+tear gas = BAD combination!