The Next Chapter: Bodom After Midnight

So you guys think Laiho would pull more audience than Bodom? Since you think he should just do other type of music. Are you fans of Laiho or Bodom? Of course he should focus on Bodom, but play the good stuff and not try to force new shit on fans. And why you feel this new band won’t last? I think they seem to be solid players, and chemistry is important. Why would rockers quit playing for a top band while getting paid triple what a normal work slave gets? The former band members quit but the situation was different in many ways, also they’d seen the best days of this band already almost 20 years ago. The fact these guys get to play for Bodom is pure utopia beyond their dreams, so they will give it everything. Bodom carries a valuable piece of art in the form of the better songs. They’re fortunate enough to play 16 song sets so there’s room for old classics and new experiments. Of course Laiho fangirls don’t care about the music, they just wish to be the one to get the distant mysterious figure because everybody else wants it. I think for most the salt that makes them want to see the band live is to hear the classics.
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Well I for once didn’t say another type of music so don’t make stuff up. No Bodom reference - I meant like a new name. Also didn’t say anything about the new guys. I think they’re pretty good .
Yeah no worries I was just talking rhetorically since those things have been popping up everywhere, just questioning people's logic when they don't see where the sense is.

Maybe if he was to make new music that would be very different from Bodom, but better, then the name could change. But from a marketing view it's essential the name has Bodom in it. These days it's almost impossible to get to the surface because there's too much shit out there you don't get noticed no matter what gems you got. You have to ride the nostalgia. Even most candies have nostalgia value to people which is why they sell; exciting memories associated. Music and smells are the two things with most emotional nostalgia power.
What I mean when I say new different stuff is this: If he continues using Bodom in the name, whatever he does will be compared to what COB used to be and it creates a lot of pressure to the songwriting.
Also this new band came around so fast just to basically finish Hexed tour and maybe then new music. It just feels wrong to replace Henkka, Jaska and Janne so fast. It would in my opinion be better to just end it there and it would be the story of this great band called COB.
But then again bodom is just a band just like any other and lineup chanhes happen.
I don't know how to say it but you know when you run out of hair conditioner and you put water into the bottle to get the last bits out? That's what BAM feels like.

I think news like "Alexi Laiho forms a new band!" would get people interested even if there was no Bodom mention there. At least I would be interested.
I actually would not mind if he played a whole different genre either but let's be real here, Alexi is a metal guitarist. That's his thing. A new band without Bodom mention could totally work and while yes, making money with music these days is hard and it would be easier to get audience by playing with nostalgia. Yeah, but Alexi could probably afford it. By the looks of it he really doesn't have to worry about money these days.

But if they come up with something good, play Tie My Rope live and appear to habe a good spirit together I'm gonna follow and I want to give it a chance.
In terms of who I like in this band the most I have to answer Alexi because he is the most relatable of them all, it doesn't really have anything to do with music. I suck at guitar. But no I don't think Alexi alone would pull more audience. Even COB didn't get as much audience in the last years as it used to get. Alexi's playing and live presence isn't as good as it was and I would be lying if I said any different.
I went to see the Local Band last year and I went there to see Alexi most of all, but through the show I realized I wasn't even looking at him. It was pretty disappointing. But otherwise that night was great and I got to talk to TLB guys and they were all really nice. But Alexi was nowhere to be seen. But well understandable if you think of the situation. Bodom just broke up, he probably wasn't feeling very energetic.

BAM name works though. After midnight only Alexi is left of the original COB and people are thinking is he at fault when the guys left. Nils Of Bodom basically. Pretty funny actually.
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I'm waiting for shows/new music before really forming an opinion. Part of me feels like their chemistry was a huge deal, but then part of me knows that Alexi was the principal/sole songwriter for Bodom, and there have been multiple mentions of him being very adamant that things are done his way. Could remain exactly the same with BAM.

I like the new name, since like many of you have said, it's "Bodom AFTER" everything thus far.

And as a native English speaker, "parted as friends" does mean that they split up but remained friends.
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Maybe they announced only a few dates due to coronavirus and originally it was planned to be a bigger tour?
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I definetly think BAM would have a larger audience than COB...cult of personality and all.

Personally, I like the music and the live sound. It would be interesting if one had to choose between seeing COB or BAM live on the same night. I guess it would depend who COB's first guitarist would be. I really would like to hear a live performance where the lead guitar is spot-on as opposed to the mess that Alexi's playing is e v e r y t i m e.
Yeah. Imagine CoB with a guitarist like Teemu Mäntysaari (Not sure about the spelling). This man is a beast compared to Laiho, especially when it comes to playing clean. I literally cannot imagine a COB concert where the soli are played well, since I've never seen it happen...
Yeah. Imagine CoB with a guitarist like Teemu Mäntysaari (Not sure about the spelling). This man is a beast compared to Laiho, especially when it comes to playing clean. I literally cannot imagine a COB concert where the soli are played well, since I've never seen it happen...

Literally every concert before Alexi broke his arm, around the time of AYDY I think, the solos were played well.
Teemu is great, I'm sure there are bunch of others in Finland. I mean I can't think of many players who play so poorly live. Alexi doesn't even try to stick to the solos as recorded, he just does whatever occurs to him given the moment when he starts the solo which is usually off anyways.
as for sloppy playing, he wasnt spot on here but he is close. at least you could tell what he was playing unlike today where it is a total mess.

or here
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That sloppy playing thing has been part of COB discussion as long as I can remember. Doesn't bother me live that much but some Local Band shows even I have seen him play nonsense.
I think the way his shoulder turned out to be more fucked up than originally thought affected it, also drinking.
I'm not a guitarist so I don't really notice mistakes that much and for me it doesn't matter as long as the energy of the show is great. But when it's something really obvious it just feels awkward. I think at least summer shows and most of the finland tour was played through fine.

I have to admit that I wasn't that interested in seeing COB live at first bc well I was like 12, couldnt go but also I remember seeing a live video that was just awkward to watch. Then I saw live footage from summer 2013 and it was so much better and I started going to shows often.

But whatever I said about BAM earlier, I think this long break just practicing and relaxing after the stress of last year and a new found excitement can really do something good here.
My identity is revealed now but this is my painting. With a friend we imagined an artwork for a COB album that could happen if they didn't break up. Pink is an underrated color tbh. It can be cold and melancholic too. It would be a dream come true if I could do artwork for Alexi's songs. (I have given him multiple artworks through the years, to show that his music inspires me) Probably never gonna happen but one can always dream. But well I wanted to let them know that pink theme would be great. Getting it shared on their instagram story felt amazing.
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We've had this broken shoulder/sloppy playing discussion before and as a guitarist I can tell you, that his shoulderf problem (we don't even know if there's any) doesn't affect your playing with regard to clean or sloppy. Apart from the fact that 95% of your playing comes from your hand and fingers - Alexi plays sloppy because he's hitting the wrong notes, forgot how to play this and that and improvises too much. What has this to do with his shoulder?!:err:
I'd imagine it's hard to perform that virtuoso stuff spot on live if you're in the drinker's remorse, everybody who's had or has a drinking problem knows what it's like and how it affects you, (he quit drinking on tour since 2013.) You can't say it's depression either, because the best stuff he did was when he was openly depressed up until 2002 or so. Maybe it's just lack of interest, since everything was already conquered, so there's less passion. Maybe he realized ten years ago the problem area isn't the playing skill, but songwriting, so he shifted approach away from virtuosity to playing 'song ideas' on his guitar, which seemed like the sensible thing to do, but problem is, in the midst of songwriting he forgot his guitar should only be one element in the song, not the carrying force. He should remember what the purpose of his guitar is in a metal song, and just use it as one element among all other instruments. It's just got quite riff-driven. Maybe he's just more into thrash metal than neo-classical shredding these times? I don't know, all I care about is atmosphere and I'm happy.
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We've had this broken shoulder/sloppy playing discussion before and as a guitarist I can tell you, that his shoulderf problem (we don't even know if there's any) doesn't affect your playing with regard to clean or sloppy. Apart from the fact that 95% of your playing comes from your hand and fingers - Alexi plays sloppy because he's hitting the wrong notes, forgot how to play this and that and improvises too much. What has this to do with his shoulder?!:err:
There was an interview where he admitted it did affect his playing. He also said they had to do a surgery on his shoulder because it turned out to be broken in multiple spots instead of just one. So he played with that shoulder for like 7 years before getting it fixed. Said it hurt to even move and he's had tp develop all kinds of weird playing positions just to not be in pain.
So i guess that is one part of this.