The Post-Download "Argh me voice/neck/feet/etc" Thread


Loitering Dwarf
Mar 28, 2008
Come on then, who else is suffering post-Download?

For my part, I'm huskier than Rod Stewart with bronchitis, my sunburn's peeling, my shoulders still ache like hell, and the infamous allergic rash has only just gone down today.

More worth it than I can say though :p
I have a cough, voice is all croaky (although it means i can do a mean impression of the grudge) my whiplash has almost gone and i've finally woken up properly :p

damn that was one awesome week!!!!!!!!!
er... why?

this was one of the most intense out of them all. it never takes me this long to recover!!!! bbaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad body!!!

either that or i'm just getting old haha

but yeah voice = too much talking/singing/screaming (SHINY CHILDREN!)
chest = stupid amounts of dust inhaled
whiplash = totalled my car a couple of years ago, then my brakes failed on my work van the next day, two crashes in two days = very dangerous whiplash, so now everytime i go headbanging it hurts for days!!!! ......... why do i not have some hot guy to give me a massage :(

still, wouldn't change it for the world, been an awesome weekend!!!
Yeah, part of the Download experience is comparing subsequent health problems :p

Last year my doctor actually gave me a prescription for antibiotics before I went, because it was basically a given that I'd need them when I got back :lol:
Didn't go this year, had 3 hours of exams on Monday =/

Still got my wristband from '07 though.

Was nowhere near as good a lineup this year as '07.
I warmed to the line-up actually - pretty much spent the weekend investigating bands I've heard a lot about but never got round to seeing.

Plus I had a lovely nostalgia trip on Saturday with HIM :D
to be honest it was nice to be able to relax for a bit this year. all previous years i've spent the whole weekend running around like a mad-woman! one year i didn't even get to the market at all. this year i got to shop, chill out in the tent at times, wander around aimlessly, and hand out hundreds of ted maul flyers... and still be able to see all the bands i wanted :D
Yeah, the line-up could've been better this year, but at least I finally got to see Judas Priest and Saxon, both of whom I've been into for about half my life but had never got around to seeing before.

As for general Argh-ness, didn't get too bruised or burnt or anything like that, but getting up for work first thing Tuesday really wasn't fun! :zombie:

I'm not too argh to be honest, aside from my ridiculously dry skin and now dust free hair, I'm feeling pretty good.
However I don't miss sleeping on hard ground but I do miss destroying next door's tent and generally being Queen of mischief/instigator.

Hahaha pee in our gazebo then sit in it will you?
was there ever a point we really needed to secretly wage war on them?

I'm not too argh to be honest, aside from my ridiculously dry skin and now dust free hair, I'm feeling pretty good.
However I don't miss sleeping on hard ground but I do miss destroying next door's tent and generally being Queen of mischief/instigator.

Hahaha pee in our gazebo then sit in it will you?
was there ever a point we really needed to secretly wage war on them?


you mean you can finally brush your hair without screaming in pain :p
and yes, it's nice to be in beds again!

as for the 'secret war' yes, kind of pointless seeing as they did a bloody good job of sabotaging themselves!!!!

and thraxas, trying going to work tuesday morning after going to the golden gods in london on monday and only having an hours sleep!!!! i tell you, tuesday was EVIL!!!
I've never hated my hair so much, d/load has proved to all what a bitch it can be

Tuesday morning involved waking up, drinking tea and eating lingonberry bread, followed by watching the dudesons on youtube :)
But whatever bring on next years neighbourhood watch, I'm waiting!! :p
and thraxas, trying going to work tuesday morning after going to the golden gods in london on monday and only having an hours sleep!!!! i tell you, tuesday was EVIL!!!

:eek: An hour? Okay, you win on that one! I managed a little more sleep than that but I was still struggling to stay awake at my desk for most of the day.
And it all just seemed so strangely, unnaturally quiet. :guh:
I wont enforce the jealousness by saying weds was a free day and frankly I couldn't be arsed to get up for college yesterday, hence the ridiculously immense wallpaper buying. Today however, I'm catching up on work....apparently


YOU ARE EVIL!!!!!! i'm at work now :( but off on workmates hen do tonight which will be fun... i may even be wearing my turisas outfit :p

can't wait for the weekend, then i can actually sleep in!