The Tea Party


Active Member
Jan 15, 2008
The Ivory Tower
These guys were a great Canadian band (now broken up), but I think a lot of metal fans would really dig them. They play a dark, heavy kind of eastern-influenced progressive rock. They're very innovative, and they really have their own sound. I posted a few videos if anyone's interested. I've seen them live twice (being from Buffalo, it's easier to catch Canadian bands) and they rocked both times. Too bad they're no more. Hope you all enjoy!

This first one some of you may recognize from Trent Reznor of NIN. The Tea Party actually wrote the song:


Heaven Coming Down

Walking Wounded

Sister Awake

The Bazaar

This last one is only Jeff Martin, the lead singer and guitarist of The Tea Party. It's an awesome little blues song.

Black Snake Blues
Oh cool, a fan; and Australian no less! I wasn't really expecting anyone to know who they were. Have you seen them live or did you hear about them through someone?
The Tea Party used to play in Australia a lot and have quite a following here; Jeff Martin was in a relationship with an Australian girl. I think he married her and now lives here, possibly even in my city, Perth. He certainly still gigs here quite frequently.
I used to like them a fair bit, saw them live once and they were great. I don't own any of their stuff now though, haven't listened to them in ages.

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