The Vent Thread

It's not really doing anything right now but I heard that my favorite shit is coming. "Wintery mix" can kiss my ass. That shit's worse than snow.
god damn I was looking at power supplys on newegg cause mines pretty finicky and ive been meaning to replace it forever... then I started making an i7 build. Then I got the crazy idea of actually buying all the parts to build an i7 computer. I didnt do it but god damn Im crazy.
god damn I was looking at power supplys on newegg cause mines pretty finicky and ive been meaning to replace it forever... then I started making an i7 build. Then I got the crazy idea of actually buying all the parts to build an i7 computer. I didnt do it but god damn Im crazy.

I'm watching the news and some fucking cow was on TV cause he has a heart shaped patter on his head and Valentine's Day is coming up. Bullshit. I have a heart on my fucking ankle, they might as well put me on TV. I hate media.
Now I have a legitimate reason why i dont want everyone drinking red stripe. Yesterday I went to the Ale House. Mike comes up to me "sorry Jack we are all out of red stripe, Jeff bought the last of the six packs yesterday". Then fucking pumpkin head comes in and asks for a red stripe. I fucking wanted to kill someone.
Jack, I'm sorry..... but I stand by my reasons. I was drinking red stripe for years before it's recent increase in popularity. Red Stripe was the first 6 pack I ever bought as a 21 year old. And before that my sister used to buy us cases and shit.

I understand why you are pissed and all........ I'm just not going to stop drinking it on the account that it bothers you haha.
Oh and a PS on that....... We should call them and tell them to have an abundance on hand for Saturday night. I don't know about you guys, but Jeff and I were planning on hitting that place up and checking out all the depressed single people.
I'm watching the news and some fucking cow was on TV cause he has a heart shaped patter on his head and Valentine's Day is coming up. Bullshit. I have a heart on my fucking ankle, they might as well put me on TV. I hate media.

Also, I just now got this. I thought you meant "cow" in the sense that it was a large person..... not an actual cow hahaha. Man I am fucking tired.
Vince I dont care if you drink red stripe. It just pisses me off when its fucking gone. Then some kid who drinks probably a 6 pack in a week asks for one.
Also, I just now got this. I thought you meant "cow" in the sense that it was a large person..... not an actual cow hahaha. Man I am fucking tired.

No it was an actual cow which is even worse than a large person. Although they have all those shows on TLC about over weight people and people with fucked features on their bodies and shit. Either way, the media is a piece of shit.
Now I have a legitimate reason why i dont want everyone drinking red stripe. Yesterday I went to the Ale House. Mike comes up to me "sorry Jack we are all out of red stripe, Jeff bought the last of the six packs yesterday". Then fucking pumpkin head comes in and asks for a red stripe. I fucking wanted to kill someone.

Sorry. I think I also finished the bottle of Woodford Reserve that night. Also, I skipped Tuesday because I drank so much. Again.
Yeah I hear you jack. The rusty nail AND the ale house are infamous for running out of the good stuff.