Matt Smith

Jun 11, 2004
Athens, GA
Theocracy is happy to announce that they have signed with Sweden’s Ulterium Records for the release of their sophomore album, Mirror of Souls.

“We’re very excited to finally get this album out,” says band founder Matt Smith. “Ulterium really understands what we’re about, and they believe in this record. We’re really looking forward to working together.”

Ulterium Records owner Emil Westerdahl shares that excitement, saying, “I’ve been a fan of Theocracy since the release of their debut album, and I'm thrilled about this opportunity to work together with them on Mirror of Souls. This album will surely be received very well by both critics and fans, and exciting times are definitely ahead for Theocracy!”

The material on Mirror of Souls expands on the epic, melodic Metal style that Theocracy introduced on the self-titled debut album, and the addition of drummer Shawn Benson and guitarist Jon Hinds has added a new dimension and energy to the sound.

Mirror of Souls is being mastered by Mika Jussila at Finnvox Studios, and the cover art was designed by Invisible Creature. Look for a full song to be posted online in the coming weeks, and for the album to be released in early fall 2008!
Great news, i found incrave & Ivory Moon album in France shop :D
They have a very good distribution !
Early Fall 2008 can't come soon enough! Congrats guys, I'll be lurking the forums waiting for that full track to be released in the coming weeks :). So does this get you in more mainstream stores like Best Buy and the like?
Thanks for the support guys!

I'm extremely excited by the news and the potential possibilities coming from this collaboration. Hopefully this is the start of many great things, including much more music from Theocracy

I know it has been a long (and frustrating) wait for everyone, but now the light is at the end of the tunnel.
By coming weeks do you mean this afternoon?

I kid, I kid. Congrats to Matt and the band! This rocks and looking forward to hearing some new music.
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I'm lost for words
I am looking forward to hear the new album and hopefullys Ulterium Records can give you the support to promote the album and going out on tour. It sure is time we get a change to see you live in Europe! ;)
Good move. Emil is a great dude and runs a solid label. They're only 5 releases deep, but each release is excellent! Can't wait. This means I'll get a promo of the album! Whoohoo!
Congrats my brothers. I look forward to hearing the mastered version of this release. And of course, I can say this with full confidence (especially since I played some of the tunes) this is going to be a great release. All of the fans' waiting and patience will pay off without a doubt.