Theories of Origin

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Who says its scientific? You cannot watch evolution in action or reproduce the results. Therefore it isn't scientific.

There is evidence for evolution. There's no evidence for creationism.

Some people here might recall my argument in support of creationism. I see no reason to mock people who believe in creationism. I think it's a valid belief, simply because it is a belief. And in truth, evolution is still a theory; but it's a damn good theory, and there's a lot of evidence to back it up. The day we begin to neglect evidence and logic is the day we allow irrational impulses to govern our existence.
Dakryn, just how much scientific research have you actually done?

Are you sure you even understand the Theory of Evolution.

Taking fish from the sea and expecting them to grow lungs and breathe air is not evolution. That argument is silly.

Cmon a brilliant researcher such as yourself should know evolution is millions or billions of years.

Arguing like that makes you look ignorant.
did you even read what i posted

Taking fish from the sea and expecting them to grow lungs and breathe air is not evolution. That argument is silly.

Cmon a brilliant researcher such as yourself should know evolution is millions or billions of years.

So rephrase what I said to take millions of years instead of happening instantly, and it suddenly goes from being ludicrous to being truth. /rolleyes
I personaly think it's V5's second account so he can have argument with someone.
But it seems much more feasible than it happening overnight as you said. No?

No, the fact the some find it feasible at all amazes me.

I didn't think anyone with the mental capacity to use the internet could manage to be this stupid.

If you think it takes a measurable amount of "mental capability" to use the internet in 2008 then I question YOUR intelligence. Thank you for adding nothing to the conversation.

Read this.

The Intelligent Design/Evolution Discussion Thread

I did, and it devolved into nothing even remotely related to the intent of the thread so I let it lie.
No, the fact the some find it feasible at all amazes me.

If you think it takes a measurable amount of "mental capability" to use the internet in 2008 then I question YOUR intelligence. Thank you for adding nothing to the conversation.

I did, and it devolved into nothing even remotely related to the intent of the thread so I let it lie.

If that "amazes you" then I believe this conversation is going nowhere.

You are digging deeper and deeper.

Getting sillier and sillier.....:lol::lol::lol:
I did, and it devolved into nothing even remotely related to the intent of the thread so I let it lie.

i'm not one to say this but dude, GTFO. if you're not even open to the opinion on the other side of this debate then stop posting, you're wasting our time by making us call you a dumbass. you don't seem too bad but, if you not even going to consider evolution an open possibility then the purpose of this thread... has no purpose especially considering that you started the thread
Deja vu.

Your whole argument is just fundamentally an argument from ignorance to be honest, you just repeatedly display a complete lack of understanding of what you are actually talking about. You don't even seem to grasp the most basic concepts on which the evolutionary theory is founded when you say things like "lulz move to the middle of the ocean and see if you evolve gills". I'll indulge you anyway and reply to one of your points. The rest of your claims have already been extensively covered in the previous thread by myself and others and I don't much feel like repeating all that when this doesn't look like it will ever turn into a serious debate. On top of that, most of your misunderstandings could be disspelled by simply opening any basic biology textbook (though maybe not an American one). Read some books (I recommend The Blind Watchmaker, it deals with pretty much everything you've brought up on this thread), inform yourself of what exactly the theory of evolution is all about, and then come back and argue against it. Until then this debate is a complete waste of time. You could make an argument from ignorance against literally every single scientifc theory/discovery of the last 200 years and make it appear completely ridiculous, but unless you're just trying to convince yourself I don't really see what the point is.

Anyway, the thing I wanted to respond to was this:

Using carbon dating to back up old earth claims is ludicrous. Carbon dating says petrified trees from the Mount St Helens blast were thousands of years old ( They are only 28 years petrified now), if something can be that wrong when we know the true age, how can you trust it on anything else?

This is just an often repeated piece of creationist propaganda that as usual relies on a misunderstanding of the subject at hand and a deliberate misapplication of science to attempt to prove their point. First of all, the technique used for fossil dating is not carbon dating but usually Potassium-argon dating. Carbon's half life is way too short to accurately measure things that are really old and is only used for dating more recent things (such as dating things from ancient Egypt, etc.) Potassium-argon dating on the other hand deals with a huge half life and can therefor be used to date things on a far larger time scale (100,000+ years), but as a result is not an accurate tool for dating things that are more recent than one hundred thousand years. Needless to say that using a technique that is supposed to be applied on a scale of hundreds of thousands of years ("evolutionary time", so to speak) on a sample that is 28 years old is not going to give the correct result.
Of course, the scientific method was put forth by science, and although it is great for dealing with the natural, it has no way to deal with the supernatural, and thus it assumed the supernatural does not exist.

Ignoring the past few pages of this thread, which I have yet to read, I'd like to comment on this:

You're not actually making any real point against science with this statement. Religion has no way to "deal with the supernatural either", it merely assumes that the supernatural exists. It's not as if this assumption magically gives religion any legitimate basis for making predictions which conflict with science. It's just wishful thinking.

When science "assumes" the supernatural does not exist, it is not an assumption based on wishful thinking - it is assumed for the same reason we assume that any number of fairy tale creatures don't exist.
I just read the first couple posts and I'd like to say:
V, why the fuck did you respond? This belongs in the philosphy section but also seems to be trolling, because no one could really be that retarded. Regardless, this thread sucks.
This thread should have just been moved to any of the several creationism vs. evolution threads we already have.
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