
Not blessed, or merciful
Apr 11, 2001
Sarf Lundin, Innit
Who are you and what do you do in Through The Discipline?
My Name is Allen Benatar, I play the Drums in Through The Discipline.

Where's the band from?
The Band is half from Queens & half Long Island.

Who're your major influences?
Drummers ? ... Gene Hoglan, Pete Sandoval, Adrian Erlandsson, Steve Sheim, Paul Mazurkiewicz, Mike Portnoy, Vinnie Pail, Nick Menza, Daniel (John) Erlandsson, Igor Cavalera...

What's your local scene like?
Our Local scene isn't that bad.. Kids come down to shows and F*Ck Shi* Up and have a good time, just theres not that many places holding shows anymore. Lots of places are getting shut down.

How can people hear your music?
Click on this Link : - Through The Discipline Free Mp3! Also Email: TTDISCIPLINE11@AOL.COM to Order Cd's & ill give you an address to send a money order to.

If you could play a gig with 3 other bands, who would it be?
God-Forbid, All Out War, Death,

What's your best gig memory?
Actually One of the best was the other day in New Hampshire.. It was pretty damn tight. No Mess ups..

What's your worst?
Probably the first time I played a show drunk.

Would you describe your sound as Hot or Cold?

What are your plans for the future?
Tour the World. Burn Mtv.

What song of yours should people listen to before any other?
Track #5 on the cd. "Open Flame"

If a label said they'd sign you for a 10 album, multi-million £ deal, providing you got rid of one of your members (you can choose!), would you do it?
No, Never

What's your favorite album of all time, and why?
I cant choose one specific album, theres too many ..Some of them might be - Master Of Puppets, Symbolic, And Justice For All, Every Marty Friedman Album, Ride The Lightning, Rust In Peace,

What was the main reason you became a musician?
I Loved music and wanted to blow up in a band my entire life and cant see myself wanting to live for any other reason .

How would you like to be remembered?
As one of the best drummers in one of the best Bands ever??

What's the first word that comes to mind when you see the word MANOWAR!

What one location in the world would you love to play a gig at?
JAPAN Definitally Japan.

What do you think of the current metal magazines? Which rock, and which are shit?
Out of 99 percent of all metal magazines i have seen, they all suck sh*t and they have the gayest fu*ckin bands i have ever seen in them. They call bands like "Slipknot" metal! They can Kiss my ass with that sh*t. That really pisses me off..

Tell us 3 good reasons why people should listen to you?
3 good reasons? If you have always loved Metal like me, you should listen to me because most people agree on the opinions i have. I hate Posers and bands that call themselves "Metal" when they sound like a rats ass, & I think Hot 97 is Garbage.

Any message for your fans and the UM masses?
UM masses? For Fans - Keep Metal Alive, Sh*t on Mtv, Live life to the Fullest, and Thank you.
headchange is playing with Through the Discipline on 4/20 in Atco, NJ and on 3/30 in Asbury Park @ The Saint. Interested in coming? Check out for more details.