Time Tracking and Project Management, How do YOU do it?

Hello all,

Basically I'm studying for my MSc in Software Technology and for my project I intend to build a web-based Project Management tool tailored specifically to the needs of Audio Engineers.

Why am I doing this? Well, over the years I've been trawling these forums I've seen plenty of whining and bellyaching about the difficulties of keeping up with clients, of getting them to show up on time, of working out what is happening, where, when and with whom.

I've seen people talk of using Excel spreadsheets and the backs of cigarette packets to organise their business. This has got to stop.

So I want to create a simple, intuitive web service that will hopefully ease the pain of doing business. To do this successfully, I need to gather data from you people.
I want to know about how you keep track of things, how you run your business, how you manage your precious time.
I want to know what causes you the most pain and I want to hear ideas on how to fix those problems.

To this end, I would appreciate if you would complete this quick survey:

Audio Project Management Survey

It's just a few questions and shouldn't take too long to complete. Some of the questions are open-ended to give you space to describe what tools and techniques you currently use and to make suggestions.
Please be as detailed as possible with these answers, and don't be afraid to rant if you feel like it. I really want to get a feel for the work-problems that affect you each day.

Also, I would like to get a few people on-board for more in-depth interviews and participation in the design phase. If you are interested, PM me or email to:


Thanks in advance to everyone who participates!
would love to help you, sounds like a cool project, but I am not doing any professionell recording
or whatever, so I can't help you, sorry-but just started a small consulting business, and yeah,
everything that helps organizing your business is great!
I've been having great difficulty with this for the past year, actually, so I'd be very keen to help out in the development phase.

One of the things I'd love to look at is how to keep projects manageable and a consistent time table under situations where the client base is exponentially multiplying, and one is dealing with several overlapping projects at once.
Hey guys,

I'm delighted by the positive responses so far.

I'm glad to have you on-board for this, and yes those are two big issues I'd like to help with.

Right now in my head I have a vision of a website that would allow you to specify projects scope, deliverables, time-frame, phases and activities in each phase. It should make it easy for the user to see what's going on, when, where and with whom, and be easy to monitor progress on multiple current projects.

It could also be useful for keeping track of clients, contact info and so forth.
Again, this is all just a fuzzy image in my head right now, that's where you guys come in. I want to get an in-depth knowledge of what problems you guys face every day.

Ok, I'm logging off for the night, I'll check my emails tomorrow and get in touch with everyone.

Thanks ! :D
One of the key points to bear in mind is that bookings in this industry are very fluid. Dates change, projects get delayed, things overlap on a regular basis. Whatever method you have in place needs to cater to this fluidity. I would also say that over-complicating things would be bad. Most of us are stupid, and also too run down with the actual affairs of running the business and projects that we don't have that much time to dedicate to keeping an accurate logbook. So my main suggestion would be a two-pronged approach... simple and fluid.

Having a visual 'checkbook' would be great. Similar to what bands do in the studio for larger projects with the white board and crossing off tracks as they're done.

To be able to set up a 'New Project', then fill out which elements one is involved in... let's say editing, reamping and mixing. You could effectively break the project up into those areas, and the engineer could check off each part of the process as it gets completed, or closer-to-reality, 'drafted', 'preliminary final' and 'client-approved final'.
Im not a professional at all, but if I were to start a business, I would love to have an organized way of keeping infos on every project, both general and more in depth (and optional). You could make the main informations printable too, I'm a guy who would like to be able to store pdf and actual printed versions somewhere, because actual paper is always easier to deal with when you have a legal problem (eventhough technically it's the same, an actual paper with actual signatures always looks more serious). So some guys would like to be able to have infos printable in normal format to store physically.
Done, I suggested within the survey but it'd be awesome to have a public view that could be embedded into websites/facebook or linked directly to bands so they could check progress, make requests, maybe even pay through, etc.
Done, I suggested within the survey but it'd be awesome to have a public view that could be embedded into websites/facebook or linked directly to bands so they could check progress, make requests, maybe even pay through, etc.

Genius, absolute genius.

That would be a really convenient way of keeping the clients up to date with the project, as they would effectively have their own private "window" onto your calendar and project schedule.

I'm also thinking it would be cool to maybe have a publicly accessible "enquiries" page, just a typical contact-form really, that would get piped into your account as a "potential project". Lots of great ideas coming out here guys, keep them coming :)