UEFA EURO 2004 Fantasy Football


1st - Congrats to you and all the Greeks

2nd - It was a really shitty game to watch (like all matches Greece played in EC), but hey... that's what was expected, when there is a team playing with 11 players behind the line of the ball. Sitting in the defence and wait for other team's mistakes is not my kind of football.

3rd - Everyone knew how Greece played but noone could beat them (except for russia). So you guys have all the merit for this.

4th - To win any cup you need some luck. You guys had it.

5th - I feel like the best team didn't win...

6th - Wtf am I trying to prove?!?!

7th - You scored you won. Congrats again.

8th - I am still sad as fuck...
the only teem with any REAL talent in the semi's was holland, and they got kicked out by portugal! :cry: I think this euro should be called the euro of the underdogs... or something like that. even after all the upsets leading up to the final, I still can't believe portugal didn't win. oh well. can we please stop talking about this now? *yawn*
sol83 said:
please take a moment and read this.

ok. i wont start about the cup and that. i've been checking some websites it seems as everyone as of today has started making complaints about the way we won this. it is quite amazing how some people think this is 1954 or 1970 and we are hungary or brazil or something and we should be scoring 3-4 per game.

in 1994 we went to the world cup and everyone was very enthusiastic. the result was three loses, 4-0 to argentina, 4-0 to bulgaria (who did very well then) and 2-0 to nigeria. it was like the worst appearence of a team ever, totaly horrible and humiliating.

so ten years later comes this euro. everyone here is praying so that the us disgrace does not happen again, and maybe get a win if we play ok. well things did not go... as planned and we won it. we played well, we had luck, and we won it. just like every other team in the past has.

can you imagine the result if this team decided to play beautiful and offensive football? it would be US part 2 i can assure you of that. we dont have the talents of a zidane, an henry, a nedved in the team. but this is not ones mans sport either. its about teamwork. and this team had the best team work in the tournament, no doubt. and as i said, yes, we also had luck. in 2000 when the french played a horrible game against italy in the euro final they scored at 93, went to extra time and won the cup. the examples are thousands. you cant do anything without luck.

and how about other teams on the tournament? what did trapatoni did whne italy were one up with sweden? he took two offensive players out and played with 7 defenders for the rest of the game, and still couldnt keep the win. what did "mastermind" erikson did when england was one up with portugal? the whole team is sitting back defending for half and hour, scholes comes out for phil "oh-my-god" neville, england does no chance apart from the correctly disallowed goal, and lose the game. but if england or italy had won the cup, oh well then its different, they have a good team, they have beckham, they have vieri so automaticaly they play nice footy, not like crappy untalented greece. give me a fucking break.

and how about offensive footy? when the danes decided to play 4-3-3 against the czechs you all saw what happened. they did their worst game by then and hardly made a chance or two. this, and probably even worse, would have been the reuslt with greece if rehagel decided we should play like that in the tournament.

(dont take the examples mentioned personaly, i dont dislike any team, i'm just trying to make an argument.)

bottom line. i love seeing goals flying in, loads of 'em. greece could obvioulsy not do that. greater (in theory) teams (england, italy, germany) could not do that. some, as i mentioned earlier, could not even defend properly and keep a result. in 2004, footy is a team sport, its a tactical sport. you cant have a maradona to win it for you, it cant be like that anymore. greece played the way a team of that level should. with great temawork and correct tactics. thats why we won it.

that moment with the madman and figo yesterday was the best of the tournament. i loved it.

sorry for the length. it wont happen again.
yer words compliment mine....

with that madman do you mean the guy running over the pitch throwing a Barca flag onto Figo (or whoever it was) ? :D That was sound yeah
we love you pos, but your comment has no basis at all. portugal played much better than holland in the semis. :Spin:
Morpheus said:
with that madman do you mean the guy running over the pitch throwing a Barca flag onto Figo (or whoever it was) ? :D That was sound yeah
yeah, it had that surrealistic symbolism behind it. and the way he went in the net. hahaha... :tickled:
We always play 4-3-3, or whatever you wish to call 4 defenders, 2 midfielders, 2 very offensive wings, one attacking midfielder/striker (Thomasson) and one striker.

I was thinking how unbelievably tough our WC qual group is looking on paper now, with reigning European champion Greece, bronze medalists of last wc Turkey, one of only 5 (I think) teams to have made it past the groupstage of 3 of the last 4 big tournaments Denmark, plus Ukraine, damn.
nah, the czech game was different, 3 attackers on the same line. with sweden only tomason was on the front, i mean the clear front attacking, without the helping attacking midfielders/wings. anyway, its not CM or anything...

as for the group matches, i say its all down 33% like. it will be very hard to qualify, second place even.

hopefuly we'll score ten against azerbaijan so people will stop complaining. :D
Ehh, Ebbe Sand started the Sweden game, he's a clear cut striker. If anything out line-up was slightly more defensive against the Czechs because Claus Jensen had replaced the injured Sand, pushing Tomasson upfront. Claus Jensen is a pure attacking midfielder, completely lacking Tomassons striker capabilities.

Our trpuble against the Czechs was that they managed to almost completely shut down our wings. And of course Claus Jensen playing total bollox, and our defense giving away 3 easy goals. All of Denmark pretty much agrees we should've played Peter Madsen instead of Jensen, keeping Tomasson where he's the most dangerous, making those deep runs from midfield.
Soulless said:
Holland?? no way... which match did they play well?!?! are you sure you weren't watching some past EC? lol
soulless portugal were lucky, yes lucky, to beat netherlands in the semi's. just as greece were lucky to beat you guys in the final. there wasn't much between the two teams in both matches, he only difference being that greece and portugal got through on guts and determination... and running around like headless chooks, to a point where holland couldn't play 'their game' in the semi, because portugal where being so aggressive when holland was in it's defensive quarter. they fell back to playing a long ball game, which isn't their style at all. otherwise they would have been torn apart by holland. the final was a bit of a yawn-fest too. seemed to me the team with the most stamina won, though I will have to admit again that is was a suprise that that didn't turn out to be portugal.

now shush.
PoS said:
soulless portugal were lucky, yes lucky, to beat netherlands in the semi's.
Are you joking?!?!

PoS said:
holland couldn't play 'their game' in the semi, because portugal where being so aggressive when holland was in it's defensive quarter.
That's why it was not luck... it's called supremacy.

Now go watch some proper footy and please don't shush me.:wave:
PoS said:
portugal were lucky, yes lucky, to beat netherlands in the semi's.

Did you really watch Euro2004? Sounds like you were watching another game. Hollad wasn't even on the pitch in that game, Portugal was the way better team, i mean they scored all 3 goals.
There's been rumours for years, last I heard he's said he'll stay for this season, but he has demanded improvements in the squad if he's to stay beyond that. Just read that Everton played a friendly with only 2 subs available because of the small squad.
I dont care much for him anyway. Id rather see Osman getting a game now or even Zinedine Kilbane in the middle. Cahill is in the squad now, I just hope that his tan is natural and hes not a sunbed puff
I've been caring less for him lately, seems to have lost it, always trying to do more than he should, most glaringly at the Euro. Hopefully he'll get back to form.
i dunno, just heard the rumour that Hamburg is interested and the seem to be already in negotiations with everton, that's what a footy mag here says. dunno how reliable it is. let's see. just thought dunc might've heard sth.