
It definately is a difficult question, both have their pros and cons.

But, just off the top of my head, I think I would be a werewolf if the situation were like it was in the movie. Biggest reason - remember the scene in the subway in the beginning of the movie where the black guy started to make the change and all the vampire could do was hiss a look really gay, and he ended up getting fuct up by the werewolf.

Also, werewolves and vamps = same strength, wolves can go out in day, stronger in their changed form, can also use guns, but can change into pimplicious beasts.

Also more of the had long hair. Long hair = badass. Plus they were very celtic looking...me = celtic looking. Buuut, i guess it depends on the day of the week when i'm asked.

Lol, it also helps that the lycans were the good guys.
Maharet said:
Probably vampire...i wouldnt wanna live in a sewer like the Lycans did...i liked the origanized houses althought there were far too many restrictions....

Plus you don't get all the nifty powers that vampires normally have....

must...keep...this thread...alive....more pictures of kate beckinsale!
Okay...it's sunday night at 10:01...my english paper is due at 7:30 monday morning... That gives me 9.5 hours...

Here goes nothing...*starts paper*...

this should only take an hour or so. I'm such a procrastinating bastard.
also...for grins, shits, kicks and giggles, here's another damn picture

and no I'm not going to make a joke about my cod-piece being candy.
FretsAflame said:
Okay...it's sunday night at 10:01...my english paper is due at 7:30 monday morning... That gives me 9.5 hours...

Here goes nothing...*starts paper*...

this should only take an hour or so. I'm such a procrastinating bastard.

WOOO! Finished at 11:37 ... oh yeah!
In honor of the movie's DVD release and Maharet's interest im reviving this thread - as you were gentlemen...

also - now that its on DVD all the people who missed it in theaters can rent it and we can talk about it some more.
The movie needed swords and blood, I didn't like all the guns.....back in my day, vampires would never have used guns. And we used to walk 10 miles in the snow to the bloodbank. Barefoot. The movie was okay, I just prefer my vampires in a more period piece style epic kind of film. But I'll probably buy the dvd when I have money again. Say, in June.
BlackwaterNymph said:
The movie needed swords and blood, I didn't like all the guns.....back in my day, vampires would never have used guns. And we used to walk 10 miles in the snow to the bloodbank. Barefoot. The movie was okay, I just prefer my vampires in a more period piece style epic kind of film. But I'll probably buy the dvd when I have money again. Say, in June.

rock on

i like kate beckinsale.

and posh spice... but that's a story for another time... :lol:
BlackwaterNymph said:
Eh, I really wouldn't care about seeing another one, there's too many sequels to too many movies. But maybe they'll get it right with this one, and put some gushy gooey blood into it!

We need another X-Files movie. :yell:

okay my opinion of you just went down - X-Files... another? That movie was terrible, I'm sorry. Underworld is at least sequel worthy. :lol: