Victor Smolski's "Majesty & Passion" = a must get for fans of classical/metal

Yngvai X

Dark Emperor
Jul 18, 2002
Woodland Park, NJ
This week my copy of Victor Smolski's new album "Majesty & Passion" came in...I must say this quickly shot to the top of my "best albums of 2004" list...the entire CD is made of up Bach pieces (the 1st Cello Suite, 2nd Cello Suite, and Sarabande section of the 4th Cello Suite as well as the Concerto for 2 Violins and the 3rd movement of the concerto for Violin and Oboe) arranged for "metal"...and I put that in quotations because this isn't really a metal album...theres elements of jazz, fusion, rock, blues (as well as metal) all interlaced into this album.

Its not a bullshit "neoclassical" shred album...these are well thought out and arranged true interpretations of Bach's music. Of course that isn't to say there isn't some amazing guitarwork, Victor does indeed tear it up, as do the many guest musicians (including Steve Smyth of Nevermore, Uli Roth, and his Rage bandmates Mike Terrana and Peavy Wagner).

Here are some sample clips taken from Victor's website:

This is a definate must check out for any fan of classical music or symphonic elements interlaced with rock/metal music.
sweepking said:
I will have to see if Amazon has it...where did you get it?

Ebay, my friend, Ebay :D

edit: Amazon has it as an import (it wasn't released in the US afaik) for 20 someodd dollars...but I paid like...10 bucks for it on Ebay, and I got the Russian digibook version...Ebay = your best friend when it comes to getting awesome imports.
OH really, I got MY copy off the "THIS SHOULD BE IN THE MUSICIANS CORNER" website.

And before you try to refute me, Smolski is a guitarist, guitarists are musicians. The Keyword of the MUSICIANS CORNER Is... MUSICIANS.
urinalcakemix said:
OH really, I got MY copy off the "THIS SHOULD BE IN THE MUSICIANS CORNER" website.

And before you try to refute me, Smolski is a guitarist, guitarists are musicians. The Keyword of the MUSICIANS CORNER Is... MUSICIANS.
:tickled: pwned.
urinalcakemix said:
OH really, I got MY copy off the "THIS SHOULD BE IN THE MUSICIANS CORNER" website.

And before you try to refute me, Smolski is a guitarist, guitarists are musicians. The Keyword of the MUSICIANS CORNER Is... MUSICIANS.

And I'm also referring to a CD release, which is someone anyone who is a music listener can appriciate, jackass :p.
Yngvai X said:
Ebay, my friend, Ebay :D

edit: Amazon has it as an import (it wasn't released in the US afaik) for 20 someodd dollars...but I paid like...10 bucks for it on Ebay, and I got the Russian digibook version...Ebay = your best friend when it comes to getting awesome imports.
I'm just finding that out about ebay. I recently got Into Eternity's debut for $7.50 + s/h, and I think it's out of print. I'm going to check out this Smolski cd for sure.