-- \w/ The Official Gaming Thread \w/ --

Mike Sickle

Digital Ninja
Nov 7, 2006
London, ON
Video games, the ultimate time sink, so lazy and yet so fun, so much time killed and so much sleep lost. So who games and what do you play?

Myself I mainly play my ps2, now that other systems are out like ps3, xbox 360 and the wii, I'm noticing ps2 games are gettin hella cheap, which I'm all about! I just picked up 2 awesome titles for the ps2 packed with old school awesomeness :

Sega Genesis Collection - (Golden Axe 1,2,3, Sonic 1,2, Altered Beast, Phantasy Star 2,3,4, plus others) only $25 brand new!

Capcom Classics - (Street Fighter 2 (regular, champion, turbo), Ghosts and Goblins (2 arcade versions and the snes version) , 1942, 1943, Final Fight, Legendary Wings, Commando, plus others) $16 bucks used!

I've also thought about buying guitar hero, for awhile I thought it looked cheesy and lame but I've heard from alot of people that its fun and really addictive. So what games do you guys play?

i was thinking about making a thread like this lol, im really big into the game darkwatch ( which should be arriving in the mail tomorrow cuz my cousin borrowed it for 7 months and i have been going through withdrawls) and im working on dead or alive ultimate, i had to put it on easy because honestly i suck, i used to do a game called tactical ops which is like counterstrike, but the game pretty much died (no one plays it anymore) but i had a solid 1000 hours in it, fun game, good guys, i miss those days :'(
I played a lot of Everquest and WoW in the past but I'm trying to give that up. Right now I play alot of Call of Duty 2 multiplayer. It's a lot of fun and a lot less time consuming than EQ and WoW. :loco:
I've always been a huge gamer. Got myself a PS3 on launch, I have Elder Scrolls: Oblivion, Motorstorm and Resistance: Fall of Man for my ps3. Sony has been slow at releasing alot of games, but quarter 4 of this year, they're are about 5-6 huge titles hitting the ps3.
just bought a Wii with Super Paper Mario yesterday
already beat the Godfather: BHE on it too at my friends house.. great game
i'm a pretty big gamer. i mainly play consoles, and currently have gone the Sony Playstation path. i still occasionalyl bring out the N64 to play GoldenEye, but it's 99% of the time my PS2. i also play the 2 Battle For Middle-Earth games on the PC.

currently i'm playing a borrowed copy of Guitar Hero II, and lovin' it. it gets repetitive, but is fun never the less. some of my other favourite franchises are the LOTR EA games; the EA FIFA games; the Metal Gear Solid games (still looking for a copy of the first one) and the GTA games
i'm a fairly large gamer. Mostly RPGs been getting into imports lately as well. if only i had a job to get the money to get started. Also i suck at finishing games. i've only ever beaten two games*FF VII and 1 ending in Chrono Trigger for PS1* and neither were 100%
Also been working a bit on the possibility of opening a game/music type store. Its in very, very, very early stages though.
I'm strictly a PC gamer. Whether you love it or hate it, I play WoW whenever time is kind to me. Barbaric orc warriors FTW!

^^Azraelcross - I used to play Chrono Trigger back in the day. That was a sick game, but yeah, I think I only ever completed one ending too come to think of it now.
I know it's not the greatest attribute of mine, but I game heavily some days. When I'm not playing my guitar, I'm usually playing World of Warcraft. I've invested a lot of time into that game. I blame my friends for getting me sucked into it.

In my spare time my friends and I usually help each other hacking our PSPs. I'm only new to it so I don't contribute much other than testing and debugging.

The three games I play the most are:
World of Warcraft
Counter Strike Classic / Natural Selection

Three favorite games of all time:
World of Warcraft
Chrono Trigger
Resident Evil 2
I play mostly on my PC, but I also own a Nintendo DS and a Sega Dreamcast, but since I do not spend that much money on games and don't like to download games illegally and it's hard to get DC games these days anyway, I've got only a few games in my cupboard.

µ Shenmue
µ Grandia II
µ Super Runabout
µ Chu Chu Rocket

Nintendo DS:
µ Sonic Rush
µ Need for Speed Underground
µ Another Code
I play my PS2 on a fairly consistent basis. I bought it about a year ago mainly for the first Guitar Hero game, but I also wanted to catch up on games that I never really got a chance to play like: Max Payne, Final Fantasy X, Metal Gear Solid 2, Gun, Devil May Cry, etc. I recently just played and beat Genji: Dawn of the Samurai, which is basically like Devil May Cry as far as gameplay goes. It's fun to play, but even with all the times I had to continue, it still only took a little over eight hours to beat. Now I pretty much just play Guitar Hero 2 and Devil May Cry 3.

List of PS2 titles I own:

Call of Duty: Finest Hour
Devil May Cry
Devil May Cry 2
Devil May Cry 3
Final Fantasy VII: Dirge of Cerberus
Final Fantasy X
Genji: Dawn of the Samurai
Guitar Hero
Guitar Hero 2
Max Payne
The Bouncer
Timesplitters 2

List of PS2 titles I want to play/own:

Final Fantasy XII
God of War
God of War 2
Katamari Damacy
Marvel vs. Capcom 2
May Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne
Red Faction 2
Shadow of the Colossus